Apply now for forestry camp


COLUMBUS — The Ohio Forestry and Wildlife Conservation Camp will be June 11-16. The camp is open to all students who have completed the eighth grade through high school seniors graduating the year of camp, which is hosted at FFA Camp Muskingum on Leesville Lake in Carroll County.

Programs at this year’s week-long resident camp include tree identification, ecology, forest industries, wildlife management, forest management, wildlife law enforcement, wildlife identification and watershed health.

New this year will be the opportunity for the students to observe and learn from a recent timber harvest at the camp.

The camp is sponsored by the Ohio Forestry Association Foundation, a private, nonprofit organization whose purpose is to promote the wise management of Ohio’s forests and natural resources.

The camp is supported by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources divisions of Wildlife and Forestry, Ohio State University Extension and the county Soil and Water Conservation Districts.


Camp culminates with a comprehensive exam, including a tree identification section. The highest scoring students compete for college scholarships to Hocking College, The Ohio State University and Ohio University.


Camp costs $375, with sponsorships available to assist interested students who need help covering the fee. Sponsorships are offered through local SWCD offices, sportsmen’s clubs, forestry groups, and many private forestry sector businesses.

Students must register by June 9.

For more information and to register for the Ohio Forestry and Wildlife Conservation Camp, contact the Ohio Forestry Association at 888-38-TREES, or visit