Applications now being accepted for NFU Beginning Farmers Institute


WASHINGTON — National Farmers Union is now accepting applications for its 2014 Beginning Farmers Institute program.

The annual program is open to individuals who are new to farming, are in the process of transferring an operation from a relative or non-relative to themselves, or are contemplating a career in farming or ranching.

What you learn

The BFI program helps students gain insight and practical skills needed by beginning farmers and ranchers, including business plan writing, financial planning, and researching available programs to help starting up and sustaining a successful operation.

Applicants accepted into the 2014 program will attend three separate education sessions. One will be in Washington, D.C., one in Minneapolis, Minn. and a final session culminating at NFU’s annual convention in March 2015 in Wichita, Kan.

Interested applicants can download the 2014 application at Applications must be postmarked on or before Feb. 20.