App connects Pa. residents to local food

cell phone

LEESPORT, Pa. — Pennsylvania, Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding recently unveiled a new service enabling older and at-risk residents to more easily access healthy, local food. 

The FMNP app will help eligible Pennsylvanians find fresh, locally grown produce at participating farmers markets across the state.

The app is available in the Apple App Store for iPhone and the Google Play Store for Android.

Once loaded on a phone, users can either enable their location services on the phone or manually enter a location to find participating markets or farm stands nearby.

The app will show the market location, address, directions, phone number, and hours.

From June through November, the WIC and Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Programs provide low-income seniors and eligible participants with vouchers to purchase foods from approved farm markets and farm stands.

To be eligible, seniors must be 60 years old by Dec. 31, and have incomes that do not exceed 185% of the federal poverty level, which is currently $23,107 per year for a single person or $31,284 for a household of two. 

Eligible seniors can contact their local Area Agency on Aging for information on the program and voucher distributions.

Women and children ages 1-4 who are participating in WIC are eligible to receive vouchers under the WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program. Vouchers are provided at quarterly WIC clinic visits.