Annual Northern Classic Steer and Heifer Show was a success


JEFFERSON, Ohio –According to the Ashtabula County Cattleman’s Association and the OSU Extension office in Ashtabula County, the 12th annual Northern Classic Steer and Heifer Show held April 18 at the Ashtabula County Fairgrounds was a success.

Sixty exhibitors from Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, Indiana and Michigan showed 71 animals.

Tyler Neal from Bellevue, Mich., exhibited the Champion Heifer and Nicole McElhaney of Jamestown, Pa., exhibited the Reserve Champion Heifer.

Monica Drbezko from Slippery Rock, Pa., exhibited the Champion Steer and Joshua Hoelscher of Eden, N.Y., exhibited the Reserve Champion Steer.


Tricia Lautanen from Williamsfield, Ohio, won the Ashtabula County Show.



Showmanship winners were: Justin Zwick, Louisville, Ohio, winning senior showman, Tyler Neal, Bellevue, Mich., winning intermediate showman and Libby Kelkenburg, Clarence Center, N.Y. winning beginner showman.

The class winners from the show are:

Northern Classic Heifer Show results — Hereford Heifer Class, Tyler Neal; Shorthorn Heifer Class, Nicole McElhaney; All Other Breeds Class, Monica Drobezko; Crossbred Heifer Class I, Andy Baltzly, Navarre, Ohio; Crossbreds Heifer Class II, Andy Baltzly; Champion Heifer, Tyler Neal; Reserve Champion Heifer, Nicole McElhaney.

Northern Classic Heifer Steer Show results — Shorthorn Steer Class, Tierney Ruehr, Mantua, Ohio; Cross Breed Steer Class I, Mike Wargo, Chardon, Ohio; Cross Breed Steer Class II, Justin Zwick; Cross Breed Steer Class IIII, Jenny Mettler, Perry, Ohio; Cross Breed Steer Class IV, Joshua Hoelscher; Cross Breed Steer Class V, Monica Drobezko; Cross Breed Steer Class VI, Tyler Neal; Champion Steer, Monica Drobezko; Reserve Champion Steer, Joshua Hoelscher.

Ashtabula County Steer Show results — First, Tricia Lautanen; second, Kyle Jones, Rome, Ohio; third, Braden Jerome, Madison, Ohio; fourth, Scott Johnson, Conneaut, Ohio; fifth, Tricia Lautanen; sixth, Aaron Flavell, Ashtabula, Ohio; seventh, Brandi Clay, Ashtabula, Ohio; eighth, Garrett Jerome, Madison, Ohio; ninth, Jason Krulic, Dorset, Ohio.

Showmanship winners –Senior Showman, Justin Zwick; Intermediate Showman, Tyler Neal; Beginner Showman, Libby Kelkenburg.
