Angus beef cook-off is back

steak on grill

WOOSTER, Ohio — Calling all chefs, grill masters and beef lovers — the All-American Certified Angus Beef Cook-Off is back. In addition to the annual Certified Angus Beef Cook-Off contest and the Certified Angus Beef Chef’s Challenge, there will be a third division, the Certified Angus Beef at Home contest.

The All-American Certified Angus Beef Cook-Off and the Certified Angus Beef Chef’s Challenge will be hosted July 13, in conjunction with the Grandest Show at the 2021 National Junior Angus Show.

Beef cook-off contest

This contest is an annual opportunity for state associations to gather their best recipes and to prepare a beef dish to be paired with a skit that both entertains and educates the audience.

The cuts selected for the contest this year are as follows: the steak division is top sirloin, the roast division is tri-tip, and the other category is ground beef and will be the Ultimate Burger Grill-Off.

The contest will be divided into three age categories: 8-13; 14-17; and 18-21. All ages will be determined as of Jan. 1. Mixed teams may be entered but will be classified by the oldest member of the team. Entries are due May 15 and can be made on the American Angus Auxiliary website,

The Certified Angus Beef® Cook-Off contest will be judged by a panel of individuals. Winners in categories in showmanship and recipe, as well as overall excellence will be awarded prizes.

Chef’s challenge

The American Angus Auxiliary-sponsored chef’s challenge contest began in 2010 as a venue for adults to challenge their cooking and grilling skills using CAB and secret ingredients provided by the contest.

The contest is judged based on technique and preparation, as well as the use of CAB and the secret ingredients; taste; originality and plating. This contest is for adults and NJAA members ages 14-21.

The contest will be hosted at the National Junior Angus show in Grand Island in conjunction with the cook-off. Pre-entry is required by May 15.

Home contest

Last year, the American Angus Auxiliary shifted the normal cook-off contest to a virtual version to accommodate for pandemic guidelines. Contestants were tasked to produce a video presentation inviting consumers to their ranch, farm, home, table, kitchen, backyard grill or a combination of these locations to tell the Certified Angus Beef story to consumers and present their recipe or dish.

After the contest’s success, it was decided that the at-home video contest should become a permanent contest addition. NJAA members 8-21 (as of Jan. 1, 2021) and their immediate family members are invited to participate in the CAB at home contest.

Entries in the contest may consist of a single NJAA member, sibling team or team consisting of NJAA member(s) and family. NJAA members who participate in the CAB at home contest are also eligible to participate in the cook-off or chef’s contest at the NJAS.

Pre-entry for the Certified Angus Beef at Home Contest is June 10 and the deadline to submit the video is June 24.

To enter, visit

For questions, contact Anne Lampe at 670-874-4273 or or Anne Patton Schubert at 502-477-2663.