Agronomy school slated for Jan. 31 in Williamsfield


COLUMBUS — The Northeast Ohio Agronomy Day will be held Jan. 31 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Williamsfield Community Center in Williamsfield, Ohio. Registration will begin at 9:30 a.m.


The featured speakers for this event will be: Mark Loux, Scott Shearer, Harold Watters from the Ohio State University, Sjoerd Duiker from Penn State University, and Robert Mullen from Potash Corp/PCS Sales.

The featured topics for this school include: The Basics, the Management, and the Stretch to Get Beyond Average Corn Yields; Advances in Precision Agriculture; What is new in Weed Control & Weed Resistance Issues; Aftermath of a Wet Fall: Strategies to Deal with Soil Compaction; and Getting the Most Out of Your Fertility Dollars.


The registration fee is $15 per person and includes morning refreshments, program materials and lunch. Pre-registration for this program is required by Jan. 24. Pesticide re-certification and CCA credits will be offered.

The sponsors of this program include: OSU Extension, W.I. Miller & Sons Farm and the Ohio Soybean Council.

Registration information and reservations can be made by calling the Ashtabula County Extension office at 440-576-9008. A registration flyer can also be found at: