2022 Farm Science Review Hall of Fame Inductees announced

2022 Farm Science Review Hall of Fame inductees
2022 Farm Science Review Hall of Fame inductees include, from left, Chuck Gamble, Bob Zachrich and Bill Phillips. (Submitted photo)

LONDON, Ohio — They say it takes a village, and The Ohio State University Farm Science Review is no exception. This year, FSR inducted three individuals who have been avid supporters of the show in a multitude of capacities throughout the show’s history into its Hall of Fame. Chuck Gamble, Bill Phillips and Bob Zachrich were recognized as the 2022 honorees at a private event Aug. 17. 

Chuck Gamble

Chuck Gamble has a long-standing history with FSR and the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences as a whole. After college graduation, Gamble spent three years as an OSU Extension educator in Logan County before returning to FSR in 1995 as the assistant manager.  

For Gamble, the highlight of his career was the 2008 show. “Probably one of my favorites was the year Hurricane Ike hit. That was when you saw agriculture come together.” The effects of Hurricane Ike set in on Sunday, and by Tuesday, Gamble said you could hardly tell any damage had been done by a storm of that magnitude. “We literally transformed from a disaster into a show,” Gamble said. “I had exhibitor after exhibitor asking how they could help, and I told them to check on their fellow exhibitors.” 

Gamble reminisces on the time he spent working for FSR and attributes much of the show’s success to those with which he worked. He recently celebrated his retirement after serving CFAES for a combined 32 years in various positions over the years. He and his wife, Diana, reside in DeGraff, Ohio.  

Bill Phillips

Bill Phillips is the chief relationship officer for the Office of Technology and Digital Innovation at The Ohio State University. Phillips has been with the university since 2006 and his work with FSR began in 2010 with the mission of bringing internet to the show. 

According to Phillips, the initial challenge and question to be answered was, “How do you get internet out there?” Phillips added, “Chuck [Gamble] and I lived through the pain of many farm shows where this stuff didn’t work.” Phillips is the man who “brought the Farm Science Review into the 21st Century,” according to fellow Hall of Fame inductee, Chuck Gamble. 

The feat of bringing internet to the Molly Caren Agricultural Center and also providing service to OSU Extension offices across the state are thanks to the hard work and efforts of Phillips. He and his wife of 44 years, Cathy, reside in Hilliard, Ohio. 

Bob Zachrich

Bob Zachrich, of Defiance, Ohio, is the owner of United Seed Associates and has served in many capacities at FSR throughout his 49 years as an exhibitor at the show. “I’ve been going to the Farm Science Review since 1972,” Zachrich said. “It would be my 50th year, except I missed 2020. It’s really something that we have only missed one show in the last 50 years.” 

Zachrich explained that he doesn’t really have a favorite show because each one has something to look forward to. As the owner of his own business, Zachrich generously donated seed for years to the show for the field demonstrations and has been a large promoter of the show to his customers over the years. 

The family business is supported by Zachrich’s wife, Connie, and, at times, his five children, 11 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. FSR has served as a great opportunity to gather dealers and family for Zachrich over the years, through plot work, field days and other show support, and his involvement with the annual event continues to this day. 

Gamble, Phillips and Zachrich have exemplified the attributes necessary to grow FSR into the world class farm show it is today. Each honoree reiterated people and hard work are what make the show such a special experience and community of which to be involved. 

The Farm Science Review is hosted by the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University. For more information, visit fsr.osu.edu or follow Farm Science Review on social media.