4-H Livestock Sale
August 6, 2021
Sale total: $111,742.14
Lots: 131
Lots: 66
Average: $3.17/pound with champions; $3.17/pound without
Grand champion market hog: Zackary Gardner
Bid: $3.50/pound Buyer: 275 pounds
Buyer: Rader Hoof Trimming and Westford Milling Company
Reserve champion market hog: Alivia Miller
Bid: $2.50/pound Weight: 276 pound
Buyer: Hittle Heating & Cooling
Lots: 13
Average: $6.04/pound with champions; $4.88/pound without
Grand champion market lamb: Ryan Deschand
Bid: $16/pound Weight: 133 pounds
Buyer: D’Onofrio’s Food Center
Reserve champion market lamb: Kaiden Roberts
Bid: $8.50/pound Weight: 134 pounds
Buyer: Hunter Hays
Lots: 8
Average: $3.53/pound with champions; $3.62/pound without
Grand champion market beef: Zackary Gardner
Bid: $4/pound Weight: 1,418 pounds
Buyer: Timbercreek Restaurant and Fat Eddy’s
Reserve champion market beef: Brooke Schreiber
Bid: $2.50/pound Weight: 1,391 pounds
Buyer: Howard & Son Meat Packing and DJ’s Smokehouse
Lots: 14
Average: $7.91/pound with champions; $6.25/pound without
Grand champion market goat: Chance Rains
Bid: $21/pound Weight: 98 pounds
Buyer: D’Onofrio’s Food Center
Reserve champion market goat: Audrey Lawrence
Bid: $10/pound Weight: 100 pounds
Buyer: Watson’s Inc. McCullough Grain
Lots: 11
Average: $5.41/pound with champions; $3.73/pound without
Grand champion market rabbit project: Richard Feng
Bid: $12.50/pound Weight: 6.20 pounds
Buyer: Coolspring Corn Maze and Newton Financial Service
Reserve champion market rabbit: Shylah Thieleman
Bid: $20/pound Weight: 4.9 pounds
Buyer: Coolspring Corn Maze and Newton Financial Service
Lots: 19
Averages: $7.10/pound with champions; $6.53/pound without
Grand champion market poultry project: Addison Olson
Bid: $12.50/pound Weight: 29 pounds
Buyer: Whispering Pines Vet Service
Reserve champion market poultry project: Alexie Cameron
Bid: $9/pound Weight: 29 pounds
Buyer: Coolspring Corn Maze and Newton Financial Service
4-H Cheese Auction and Dairy Beef Sale
August 2, 2021
Sale total: $9,025
Lots: 19
Average: $475
Highest cheese yield Winner: Makenna Mase
Bid: $425 Cheese Yield: 8.631
Buyer: Sandy Lake Mills
Sale total: $4,875
Lots: 7
Average: $696.43