2019 Mid-Ohio Growers’ Meeting has a lot to offer


MOUNT HOPE, Ohio — The 2019 Mid-Ohio Growers’ Meeting will offer tips on everything from high-quality flowers to produce on any size operation. Now in its seventh year, the meeting will be held Jan. 10-11 at the Mt. Hope Event Center, 8076 state Route 241, Mount Hope.

Monroe Yoder, a member of the planning committee, said the meeting will offer both educational sessions and an expanded trade show of more than 75 exhibitors. Session presenters include growers, university researchers and other industry insiders.

“We offer diverse sessions because we want to offer a complete package for the growers,” Yoder said. “We want to be a one-stop conference for them.”

This year, producers can learn about the secrets of keeping family involved in the business and satisfying customers during a Jan. 10 presentation on good business practices by Charles Kratzer, who is involved in the family’s multi-generational Walnut Creek Planing.

Another Thursday highlight will be a panel discussion on the benefits of growing and marketing through an auction by Elvin Martin, Bainbridge Produce Auction; Arthur King, Paragon, CSA, Farm Markets; and Lloyd Schrock, Lincoln County Produce Auction.

Other Thursday sessions will cover such topics as weeds, high tunnels, flower production, apple production, soil minerals, cover crops, the Food Safety Modernization Act, berries and farmers markets.

A Jan. 11 highlight will be a panel discussion, A Beginner’s Class for the Flower Grower, presented by Aaron Burkholder, Laura Bowman and Robert Hershberger.

Other Friday sessions include farming with families, peaches, insects, pumpkins, soil borne diseases, beekeeping, and other production and marketing hot topics.

Several sessions are approved for pesticide applicator training credit requirements.


The cost of the meeting is $20 if postmarked by Dec. 31. After Dec. 31, the cost is $25 and may be paid at the door. Participants 14 and under will be admitted free.

The fee includes the trade show and materials. A food concession will be available during the meeting.

For more information or to register, call or write: Mid-Ohio Growers LLC, PO Box 111, Mt. Hope, OH 44691, 330-275-7566 or e-mail midohiogrowersmtg@gmail.com.

For a list of local hotels, contact the Holmes County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Bureau at visitamishcountry.com.

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