(Submitted information and photos)
July 29, 2019
Sale Total: $43,385
Number of Lots: 38
Average: $636.58 with champions; $588.61 without
Grand champion market goat exhibitor: Camden Frye
Bid: $2,100$20.59/pound
Buyer: TrayMark LLC
Reserve champion market goat exhibitor: Devan Schrack
Price: $900 $10.71/pound
Buyer: TrayMark LLC
Number of Lots: 21
Average: $497.62 with champions; $444.74 without
Scholarship proceeds: $7,735
Grand champion market rabbits exhibitor: Jordan Cunningham
Bid: $1,000
Buyer: Robin Holmes
Reserve champion market rabbits exhibitor: Kailee Love
Bid: $1,000
Buyers: Brett and Kimberly Campbell and John and Belinda Baker