ROCKS SPRINGS, Pa. — Thousands of people attended Penn State’s 2019 Ag Progress Days Aug. 13 to 15 at the Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center.
The outdoor agricultural expo featured 500 commercial and educational exhibits, crop displays, machinery demonstrations, research tours, workshops and children’s activities.
The event typically attracts up to 45,000 visitors.
2019 Penn State Ag Progress Days
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A boy loads hay into an antique stationary hay press during a demonstration at Ag Progress Days. (Rachel Wagoner photo)
Heather Howard works with her cattle, Smokey and Bandit, as they power an antique stationary hay press at Penn State's Ag Progress Days. (Rachel Wagoner photo)
Jason and Slade Fritz, both of Lancaster, Pa., check out a combine at Ag Progress Days. (Rachel Wagoner photo)
Jo Merrell, a Penn State Master Gardener from Centre County, shows Sue Hamilton, of Grove City, around the pollinator garden at Ag Progress Days. (Rachel Wagoner photo)
Charity Bryant, 6, gently handles butterflies in the butterfly tent at Ag Progress Days. (Rachel Wagoner photo)
Brianna Riddell and Alden Beck, both of Cherry Tree, Pa., take a break to study the Ag Progress Days program. (Rachel Wagoner photo)
Jameson Riddell, of Cherry Tree, Pa., sits in a skidloader at Ag Progress Days 2019. (Rachel Wagoner photo)