How to keep herbs fresh all year long

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I’m a cheater. My fresh herbs didn’t come from my garden. They came from the grocery store. Sometimes I even buy crusty dried herbs in plastic containers. Ew, right? It’s all about shelf life, dudes. I don’t cook cafeteria style for schools or Army platoons, so I just buy what I need and leave the rest for other shoppers.

Until this year.

Dum dum duuum…!

I found a way to keep the herbs you grow for long periods of time without needing to dry them. I have no clue how this is going to turn out, but it’s worth a shot, if you ask me.

How to keep herbs fresh

Here’s what you do:rosemary

  1. Take the herbs off the plant and chop them up as small as you would if you were tossing them directly in the pan. Instead, place them in ice cube trays, filling each “cube” about halfway.
  2. Then, pour 1 tablespoon of either olive oil or broth in each section.
  3. Freeze overnight, then put the cubes in labeled and dated plastic storage bags for long-term freezing.
  4. Then, use as needed in soups, stews and more all year long, up to a year after initial freezing.

I use a lot of parsley, oregano, garlic and basil, so that’s what I’m starting with. If you mix the herbs in the ice cubes, that’s fine, just make sure you label them correctly. I think I’ll make some with just parsley, and others with just garlic. I love garlic, so…yeah.

Last weekend I bought several clay pots at a yard sale for my herb adventure. I have a feeling that this is going to be a giant waste of time and resources because my green thumb is anything but green — just ask my poor mom who has been reviving my dead houseplants for going on 20 years now. I think she secretly likes it, although she’d never admit to it.

SO, no bonus recipes this week, friends. Just this frozen herb trick. I’m trying it, so should you, if you’re into that sort of thing. Wish me luck!

Go make something awesome,

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