Rough trail ride

saddle on a horse

The ringer on my telephone went off at 6 a.m.
I crawled out of my sleeping bag and joined the other men.

I shoveled down one hotcake and two slightly burned fried eggs.
While the younger riders gobbled down enough to fill both legs.

Mother Nature made her call. I hurried to the john.
I should have hurried faster. It was me they waited on.

The anxious cowboys saddled up and looked around for me.
They threw the saddle on my horse and cinched it to the tee.

Before we set the seat, one humble cowboy offered a prayer.
He asked for safety for us all from the One who lives up there.

We rode the canyon’s edge. An easy ride from where I sat.
But the trail turned down, now steeper than the crown of Jasper’s hat.

I climbed down off the saddle. The trail was slippery, rocky tile.
Then led my saddle horse on down a goat trail’s final mile.

The bottom of the canyon was a breathless site to see.
Yet I couldn’t help but wonder what climbing out would be for me.

My wondering was short lived. The trail climbed straight up to the sky.
Again I’d lead the horse. Prob’ly have a heart attack and die.

My good friend then suggested, “Grab on tight the horse’s tail.
And try to be spry on your feet. You’ll get there without fail.”

So I grabbed the tightest hold and felt as I flew up to the top,
not even sure my feet touched down. Sure weren’t no bunny hop!

The canyon crest was welcome but I paid a hefty price.
Cuz the nagging hitch in my git-along was squeezing like a vice.

We chose a trail in hopes to get back early to our truck.
The trail led back to where we parked. I’d say ‘twas more than luck.

My back was so dang sore but I had lived with it for years.
Was it time to give up riding? The worst of all my fears.

That night I gave my wife a call. She had a nice surprise.
She said she’d bought a saddle horse, “Just try it on for size.”

Well the saddle horse had handlebars and round fat tires to boot.
And most of all, a battery to give that extra scoot.

I named the so-called horse E-bike. A gift from my dear wife.
Yet in a hepped up dither for this new chapter of my life.

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