Parenting performance review


In the coming weeks, numerous graduates will stroll, stomp, or perhaps cartwheel across the stage (things are getting so fancy now) to accept their diploma. Still others will sign with various institutions for academics or athletics.

In most cases, they will give a speech, be it on stage or a patch of grass in their backyard. This speech will feature some measure of thanks mom and/or dad.”

As parents we live for this verification that we have “done good.”


In my 16 years of amateur parenting, there have been days of remarkable impatience, poor choices and impulsive decision making that didn’t end well. That’s just me. The kids have had their moments, too. Thus it is with no small measure of pride that I cling to the rare performance review.

In that vein, I hope readers can forgive my pride in sharing my daughter’s recent Mother’s Day program speech. (With apologies to cartoonist Bill Keane of “Family Circus” fame who has featured guest cartoons by young “Billy” for over 40 years now … how old ARE those kids anyway?)

Today I share that rare moment when a parent receives, in writing, proof that while they may not be graduate level material, they are earning a passing grade in this parenting gig after all.


I’m the first to say that she took creative license with this assignment. I am by no means “Supermom.” I prefer “trying her best and blessed to be a parent, everyday mom.”
* * *
Mom, you are incredible.
You brighten up everybody’s day with just one smile.
And though I’m getting older, I will always love hanging out with you.
I know I can tell you anything and everything,
and you will know the right thing to say.
You are not only my mom,
but my best friend too,
and God couldn’t have given me a better one.
You are my role model,
and I want to grow up to be just like you.
I love reading your articles in the newspaper,
and a lot of other people do too!
You’ve even given everyone in our family a super-hero-like name…
I’m “Girlwonder,”
Matt’s “Boywonder,”
and Dad’s “Mr. Wonderful.”
But I was wondering,
What’s your nickname?
So I’ve made you a nickname for you, which was originally,
But I decided to go with something just a little shorter,
that sums the whole thing up…
Like “Supermom.”
I love you to the moon and back three times and all the way to Salem,
And I am truly blessed to have you in my life.
I love you.
* * *

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