Ohio’s archery hunters are racking up big numbers during the first two months of season, but still lag last year’s record kill when the total harvest for the four-month archery season was 85,012.
Currently, the number of deer checked is nearing 50,000 and by press time hunters may have exceeded that figure.
Weather has much to do about kill numbers and high winds of recent days may have ruined the plans of many archery hunters.
At the end of six weeks of archery season, which opened Sept. 24, Licking County held the lead for kill numbers with 1,836 deer tagged.
Other counties with more than 1,000 checked deer included Tuscarawas, Ashtabula, Coshocton, Guernsey, Holmes, and Knox.
Reducing the herd by 50,000 still leaves an estimated 700,000 whitetail deer in Ohio woodlots and that means simply that Ohio’s gun hunters ought to have a good chance of killing one of more deer next week when the state’s gun season opens with a bang.
Increase your odds
Best bet for success on opening days always goes to those patient hunters who can sit for long periods of time. The trick is to get comfortable, stay warm and dry, move slowly, and trust in others to move the deer.
What about tagging one of Ohio’s legendary trophy bucks? Rule number one is never shoot a small buck. Rule number two is follow rule number one.
Enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday, sharing our many blessings with family and friends.