Giving is a blessing


Most people will agree that giving is a blessing. Unfortunately, there are those, who in their heart, disagree. They would far rather receive than give.

The other day, I renewed my driver’s license at our local license bureau. The clerk totaled my bill and asked me if I would like to donate a dollar to the Needy Children’s Fund. My first thought was “not today,” and then I realized that giving is a blessing. So I told her I would like to do that.

Sure enough, it worked! Giving one dollar gave me a blessing in my heart. Later, I thought about it and concluded that dollar was the best investment I made that day.

I’m not sure where that dollar will end up. However, I gave it in good faith, and God blessed me for giving it. I am trusting that it will help feed some hungry child somewhere.

I realize we could take the attitude, “What can one dollar buy today?” It was at that point it dawned on me, once again, the words of the hymn, Little is Much When God is in It. Jesus fed the multitudes with a few loaves and fishes because a little boy gave his little lunch.

We could take the attitude that the world or the government owes me. Because of that, I will keep what I have for myself and not share it with others.

I, personally, find it a blessing to buy a friend a cup of coffee once in awhile, not because I need to, but because it gives me a blessing and giving is a blessing.

If you really want a blessing once in awhile, do something nice for a friend or a stranger, and do not accept any pay for it. You will experience that giving is a blessing.

“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work, we must help the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus Himself who said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive” [Acts 20:35].


(If you would like to order my book, THINK ABOUT IT, please send check or money order in the amount of $13.45, which includes tax and postage, for each book, payable to George Hazlett, c/o Farm & Dairy, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460.)

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