My wife and I are very blessed because both of our parents and our grandparents were very generous people. My father used to say about people who were very generous, “They would give you their last dollar if you needed it or the shirt off their back.”
I am convinced that generosity is passed down from one generation to the next providing it is taught in the home and family. It thrills my wife and I to see our children and grandchildren showing generosity to others.
When generosity is emphasized and practiced in the home and family it becomes a very important way of life for the present and the future.
“Freely ye have received, freely give” (Matt. 10:8).
I believe generosity consists of more than just giving. It also shows concern, understanding and the willingness to go the second mile with another person.
“There is so much good in the worst of us,
And so much bad in the best of us,
That it hardly behooves any of us
To talk about the rest of us.”
— Anonymous
In other words I can show my generosity to others by expressing my concern and charity in their time of need.
“Charity is a virtue of the heart; not of the hands”
— Anonymous
I believe you have to take time to be generous. It is very easy to be all wrapped up in our own concerns that we do not take time out to consider the concerns of others.
I have often wondered what it would be like if we would spend more time being generous and less time being critical.
William Shakespeare said, “Condemn the fault and not the actor of it.”
We do not always know what is behind the faults of others. That is why it is best to remain quiet unless we know for sure what we are talking about.
We can do much damage to a person by being critical, however, generosity can do much good.
I find a much greater blessing in my heart and soul by being generous instead of being critical.
“Whosoever stoppeth his ears to the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard” (Prov. 21:13).
There is much more to be said about generosity, and without a doubt, much more should be said about it.
This is a good subject for discussion for your small group meetings. It would be interesting to make a list of various acts of generosity that has especially blessed you and your family.
Make it a time for sharing with one another and then spend time in prayer together asking God to help all of us to be more generous to our family, neighbors, friends and anyone we meet who has a need.
My friend, it is true, “God loves a cheerful giver”( II Cor. 9:7).