FSA Andy: Low-interest loans can teach youth financial responsibility


Hello again!

Change, it is inevitable. Every day we see change, even if it is just the face in the mirror that is one day older.

I sat watching my daughter show her market hog at the fair this year, and realized that I have very few years left watching her in the show ring. It made me realize how much time seems to have flown by in just the 15 years since she was born and all of the changes she and I have been through.

I also realized how much our relationship has changed through the years, because, as she came out of the show ring and walked by the market steers, she said “I am getting a steer next year.” Not demanding, and not the little girl that I raised to “ask” for something.

It took me a minute to realize that there before my very eyes stood a young woman who is making her own decisions and planning her own future. Where had the time gone? When had she grown up?

First step

In that moment I decided if she wanted to start acting more like an adult, I could give her some tools to help her out, in the form of financial independence.

The Farm Service Agency has Youth Loans available. These loans can be up to $5,000 and the youth must be age 10 through 20. The loan can teach them financial responsibility as they use it for income-producing, agriculture-related projects such as buying livestock, seed, equipment, supplies or paying operating expenses for the project.

Rural youths participating in 4-H clubs, FFA or similar organization could be eligible for a low-interest loan that would allow them to fund a market project for the local fair.


In order to be eligible the applicant must comply with FSA’s general eligibility requirements, reside in a rural area and conduct a modest income producing project in a supervised program.

These loans give the youth several opportunities, such as allowing them to have a project that is organized, to gain practical business experience as well as an education experience in agricultural related skills and it also teaches them financial responsibility while establishing credit in their names.

Contact your local office for more information. This is a great opportunity to keep agriculture strong, by encouraging our youth to be involved.

Facility loans

We have also seen so much change in the last couple of years in the grain market. It might be a good time to increase or create storage on your own farm with a Facility Loan. These loans allow producers to build structures on their farm, allowing them more time to market their grain.

The program offers a low interest rate and reasonable terms and conditions so producers can increase storage. Contact your local county office for additional information.

Speaking of change, remember that if you change your banking information, make sure you keep the Farm Service Agency up to date as it will ensure you get your fall payments quickly.

Happy farming. Be safe.

That’s all for now,

FSA Andy

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  1. I have a son that is 18 years old and was in FFA and a 4-h member, he wanted to use the youth loan to put out 30 acres of corn this year and we was told by our local office that there was no money for this program now. so this story is out dated or the author did not do there research first.