FSA Andy for Aug. 13, 2009


Hello again!

In June, while lounging by the pool one sunny Saturday afternoon, a friend of mine, who we will call Susie, was discussing putting in a garden. Susie started asking if it was too late to plant a garden. I then inquired as to what she intended to plant.

Susie started with potatoes, onions, green beans, tomatoes, peppers, sweet corn, leaf lettuce and the list went on. At this point I am thinking, wow, Susie is going to be planting a pretty big garden.

We then discussed how potatoes and onions grow below the surface and how you have to determine the planting period to determine if you will get a crop and when the first frost will come, etc. I soon realized Susie has never planted a garden and her knowledge on gardening is very limited.

Curious as to what size she was considering, I asked how big of garden she intended to plant. Susie informed us that they had recently gotten rid of their kid’s trampoline and as no grass had grown beneath it, they wanted to plant in that area. I sort of giggled and informed Susie she could not plant all those crops in a circle that is maybe 12 feet in diameter.

Susie didn’t end up planting a garden. But yesterday at the pool, she wanted to know what tool she should take to harvest sweet corn. I dearly love my friends who lack knowledge in agriculture; they do provide me with a giggle now and then.

The Non Insured Assistance Program (NAP) was designed to reduce financial losses that occur when natural disasters cause a catastrophic loss of production or prevented planting for crops that are not eligible for coverage under Crop Insurance.

The cost to obtain coverage under the NAP program is $250 per crop per county. Cost is limited to $750 per producer per administrative county with a limit of $1,875 per producer in all counties.

The deadline to purchase coverage on your 2010 value loss crops such as aquaculture (finfish), Christmas trees, floriculture, ginseng, mushrooms, ornamental nursery, turfgrass sod and watercress is Aug. 31.

If you are seeking coverage on one or more of these crops, you need to visit your local Farm Service Agency by Aug. 31 to pay your coverage fee and sign the required paperwork.

For producers of 2010 winter wheat, rye, barley or speltz, the deadline to purchase NAP coverage is Sept. 30. If you cannot obtain coverage through Crop Insurance for the aforementioned crop(s), you may purchase NAP coverage. If you can purchase Crop Insurance, they are not eligible for NAP coverage.

For more information pertaining to the NAP program or any program we administer, feel free to give your local FSA office a call.

Until next week: Earth is here so kind, that just tickle her with a hoe and she laughs with a harvest. — Douglas Jerrold

That’s all for now,

FSA Andy

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