FSA Andy for April 16, 2009


Hello Again!

The Farm Service Agency reminds participants in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) of the following operations and maintenance rules applicable to any land you may have enrolled.

Cosmetic or periodic mowing of CRP acreage is prohibited. Mowing to maintain your NRCS plan can be performed on CRP fields after July 15.

CRP land shall not be mowed during the primary nesting season (March 1 to July 15). Mow no shorter than four inches for cool season grasses and legumes and no shorter than six to eight inches for warm season grasses.

Do not mow cool season and legumes after Sept. 1 or warm season grasses after Aug. 15 to allow sufficient time to build root reserves and wildlife cover prior to frost.

To control noxious weed or severe weed infestations permission must be requested and granted by the FSA County Committee, in consultation with NRCS, to spot treat affected areas during primary nesting season.

Maintain the cover by applying the necessary lime and fertilizer per soil tests. Manure or sludge can only be applied to CP1, CP2 and CP10 practices from July 16 through Oct. 1, using an approved “Waste Utilization Plan” prepared by NRCS.

Do not use CRP for travel lanes or roads under any circumstances. CRP land can be used for turn rows or crossing areas as part of planting and cultivating or harvesting crops in an adjoining field.

CHANGES: CRP participants should soon be receiving new form CRP-817U, Certification of Compliance for CRP, which must be completed and returned before July 15. Also, participants are asked to report to their local FSA when there are changes that occur due to transfer of ownership, death, incompetent or missing persons.

Any of the following changes must be reported to FSA; changes to banking information for direct deposit payments, mailing address changes, land ownership changes — including land transfers to living trusts, irrevocable trusts, etc. Estates of CRP participants need to contact their local FSA office while the estate is open to obtain and submit documents needed to ensure earned CRP payments can be issued.

Failure to report changes may result in ineligibility for CRP annual rental payments or termination of CRP contracts, which requires a refund of all payments received under the CRP contract plus interest and liquidated damages. It is extremely important that all Conservation Reserve Program Contracts contain accurate information.

Take action to report changes immediately to avoid unnecessary delays in program benefits or inaccurate payments. Lastly, contact your local FSA county office if you have any questions regarding the terms and conditions of your CRP contract.

That’s all for now,

FSA Andy

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