Farm bill extension gives crop producers more time


Hello Again!

The cold and snow have certainly brought the birds to the feeder. We had eight pair of cardinals on Sunday morning and to hear them tells me that spring is on the way.

We have also had our share of deer feeding on the shrubs. They seem to like one particular type more than the rest, so I won’t need to trim them this spring.

By the time you read this we may be complaining about mud as next week’s temperatures are supposed to be back up to normal for this time of year.

Hot off the press: The ag secretary announced that there will be a one-time extension of the deadline for the base and yield reallocation process for the ARC-PLC program, which was officially to end Feb. 27.

New deadline

The new deadline is now March 31, which coincides with the ARC- PLC program election deadline.

“This is an important decision for producers, because these programs provide financial protection against unexpected changes in the marketplace,” Vilsack said in a released statement. “We’re working to ensure that they’ve got the time, the information, and the opportunities to have those final conversations, review their data, and visit the Farm Service Agency to make those decisions,”

It is also important to remember that if no changes are made to the base and yield history by March 31, the farm’s current base and yield will be used unchanged.

Producers must also make their ARC-PLC program choices by March 31, or the farm will not be eligible for 2014 ARC-PLC program payments and will automatically default into the PLC coverage program through the 2018 crop year.

It will be very helpful if producers call the FSA office for an appointment as this will speed up your time in the office.

That’s all for now,
FSA Andy

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