

I often wonder to myself if dedication is becoming an old-fashioned word which we just wink at, go on our way and do as we please?

Have you ever met a person who likes to make others believe they are dedicated to a particular cause and as you become more acquainted with them you can tell by their attitude and actions they are not as dedicated as they claim.

When I was a young person in school, I was a member of the high school track team. Our coach at that time stressed the importance of being dedicated to not only the team, but to ourselves in practice sessions.

He said if you want to succeed you must discipline yourself to practice and work out faithfully everyday so that when it is time to compete you will be ready.

In the words of Harry S. Truman “If you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen.” In other words, you must be dedicated to what you believe and stick with it.

I have noticed the older I get that good old-fashioned hard work and dedication really does bring great benefits.

God will always reveal his will to one who is willing to do it. — Hilys Jasper.

If you are fortunate enough to have a good job, give of your best to it and be thankful you have it. Be dedicated to the employer of the company and do the best you can to help it grow and succeed.

If you are a leader in your church, do your best to be dedicated to it. Be on time and set an example to others young and old alike.

If you are a Sunday school teacher study hard and remember we are not playing church, we are sharing in the teaching of God’s holy word.

People need the Lord in their life and as Christians our example is very important so none be lead astray. My prayer daily is “Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.”

The scripture says in II Tim. 2:21, “He shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified and meet for the master’s use, prepared unto every good work.”

Whatever we do in life, whether it be our marriage or family responsibilities, job, church leadership, school, friendship or any other good cause in our life, give it your best. Be dedicated to it 100 percent. A half-hearted approach can make matters worse instead of better.

“You passed along life’s workday
With God set first — your neighbor next
And all things selfish out of the way —
You live your “text.”
— Anonymous

Give of your best and do not even think of giving up. You will be glad you did. “Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life” Rev. 2:10.


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