Hello from Hazard!
Many readers responded right away on Item No. 1190!
The item is a foot corn cutter. The bottom part straps on the shoe. The top part straps around the leg. Many of you said you have used it.
Those with correct guesses include: Marvin Hershberger, Bergholz, Ohio; Robert Yoder, Millersburg, Ohio; Eli Miller, Baltic, Ohio; Jerald Goolsby; Paul Scott, Bucyrus, Ohio; and Keith Greathouse, Uniontown, Ohio.
Thank you to all who responded!
Ralph Farnsworth, of New Haven, Vermont, submitted Item No. 1190 quite so time ago.
Chris Heilman, of Kittanning, Pennsylvania, said Item No. 1191 was found in the woods. It is not rusted even though it has been in the ground for 70-plus years. It is heavy, feels like lead, but it is not soft. It is nonmagnetic and is not brass or copper. It looks to have been stamped and has no holes in it.
Do you know what the item is or how it was used? Email us at editorial@farmanddairy.com; or by mail to: Hazard a Guess, c/o Farm and Dairy, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460.
We could use some more items to be featured in our Hazard a Guess column. If you have anything, please send it our way.