Can you name this week’s mystery tool?


Hello from Hazard!
We heard from several readers on Item No. 1089, our grooved rolling pin submitted by Ruth Amstutz, of Wooster, Ohio.
They tell us it’s not a rolling pin, but a recipe card holder (the rolling pin would be hung vertically, if wall-mounted).
Our thanks to: Linda Wills, Ligonier, Pennsylvania; Roger Rhoads, Seven Hills, Ohio; and Darlene Foos.
The only thing that’s throwing us about the wall mount, is that Ruth doesn’t indicate the rolling pin is flat on one side, which would make a little more sense for a hanging recipe or note holder. We guess it could certainly still be hung, or used, as a rounded holder.
(But reader Drew Butler, of Mayfield Village, Ohio, maintains it’s still just a rolling pin. The grooves help keep the pastry from sticking to the pin, making no difference in the pastry after multiple rolls.)

Edward Geiwitz, of West Middlesex, Pa., is still willing to hazard a guess on item No. 1088, our strange-looking stomper thingee that was never quite identified. He wonders if it is a sauerkraut stomper, although it’s not like the one he has.

This weeks mystery antique tool view from the back.
Back View
Sideview of this weeks mystery tool.
Side View

Randy Winland, of Prospect, Ohio, sent in Item No. 1090, which measures 9 1/2 inches long. It is marked, but we’ll save that clue for next week, if it continues to stump readers.
Do you know how it was used? Email your responses to; or respond by mail to: Hazard a Guess, c/o Farm and Dairy, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460.

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  1. I have this exact tool. It is an ignition wire cutter and terminal crimper, from back when terminal wire came in rolls. AKA Hot rodders used them to crimp the (rajah) terminals.