Hello from Hazard!
You all sure know what Item No. 1136 is. Several responded that it is a “bullet,” a vacuum tube used in department stores and banks to transport money and receipts.
Those responding included: Dennis Graham, Greensburg, Pennsylvania; Roger Rhoads, Seven Hills, Ohio; Monroe Harbage; Tom Jarvis, Monongahela, Pennsylvania; Jim Moffet; Travis Loudin; Sue Ellen King, Columbus; and Wendell Cole.
Wayne Cooper, of Fombell, Pennsylvania, submitted the item.
We had more readers confirm Item No. 1135 is a hay harpoon used to lift loose hay from the wagon to the mow and it is used in conjunction with hay trolleys and pulleys. Those responding correctly were Tom Reeger, Apollo, Pennsylvania; Richard Bader, Middletown, New York; George Witmer, Tidioute, Pennsylvania; and Bill Swanson, Butler, Pennsylvania.
Richard Bader, of Middletown, New York, submitted Item No. 1137. The item has a hook to hang it, is 22 inches long and has spikes that are 3 inches long and criss cross every other one.
If you know what it is or how it was used, let us know by emailing us at editorial@farmanddairy.com; or by mail to: Hazard a Guess, c/o Farm and Dairy, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460.