Can you hazard a guess on this wooden antique tool?


Hello from Hazard!
Well, no one else stepped forward with another guess or answer on Item No. 1099, our mystery item submitted by Michael Sutherin, of West Liberty, Ohio. We had previously posted the response from Louis Hemshrodt, East Springfield, Ohio, who identified it as a sink basket strainer tool, or wrench, but were hoping for confirmation or a rebuttal, since Sutherin has researched extensively, but no one knows how it was used.
Our thanks to Mr. Hemshrodt, and we’ll all have to agree to move on.

As much as we hate to follow one mystery item with another, so it is with Item No. 1100, submitted by Vince Karolewics, of Uniontown, Pennsylvania.
He writes: “It was found on a farm about 45 years ago. It appears to have been mortised into something at one time.
“Made of oak, and there are pieces of iron between the boards on the end where the handle is. The handle is fastened to the object with two bolts that go through both boards. The handle can be moved slightly, but doesn’t appear to really move much.
“At first, I thought it was some kind of shaving horse, but it doesn’t look like it can be used in that manner, because the space between the boards doesn’t open enough to clamp anything.”
What do you say, Hazard-ites? Take a look and mail us at; or respond by mail to: Hazard a Guess, c/o Farm and Dairy, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460.

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  1. First thought is maybe it was used for prying pallets apart. It seems it is designed to be used exert significant force. The small space between top and bottom boards indicates that it is designed to sandwich and hold in place something thin like a board.
    I dunno, but that’s my guess.