Can you hazard a guess on this palm-sized mystery tool?

Item No. 1240

Hello from Hazard!

Item No. 1238

Dick Weaver, of Middletown, Ohio, thinks Item No. 1238 is a fence stretcher.
Tom Lang, of Big Prairie, Ohio, submitted the item.





Item No. 1239

David Schumacher said Item No. 1239 is an adjustable wire sleeve crimping tool for joining two pieces of barbed wire
Lacy Gagliardi and Skip LaFollette III submitted the item. They are having a difficult time identifying a few of Skip’s grandfather’s tools.


Item No. 1240

Pamela Sherer, of Hudson, Ohio, submitted Item No. 1240. She found the item in western Lake Erie.
Do you know what the item is or how the item is used? Let us know by emailing us at; or by mail to: Hazard a Guess, c/o Farm and Dairy, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460.

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