Hello Again,
As I drove into work this morning, I saw the woods speckled with orange in a variety of places…in trees…around abandon barns…. sitting in trucks, all for the goal to shoot ‘the Big Buck’ to put in the back of the truck, to drive into town for all to drool over at the local coffee shop.
I am usually half scared to drive down the tree lined road to work in fear of being a victim of cross-fire. But today was a different feeling.
It was one of joy and excitement because I am a parent of one of those deer hunting guys! He saw a nice one during the youth hunt; but it wasn’t close enough. Today is another chance to freeze his fingers, redden his nose and feel the adrenaline those men obtain by sitting in the briars, waiting to get a chance at the Big One!
It is great recreation and I hope I will have more to this story next week.
For those of you looking for something to do during hunting season in between drives you might want to catch up on your FSA record keeping. The USDA issued the first 2009 ACRE payments to producers enrolled in the ACRE program for wheat, corn, barley, oats and soybeans. These payments were a part of the safety net because they help protect the farmers who provide America and the world with a reliable stream of food and commodities by buffering them from the effects of revenue declines.
In order to receive ACRE payments, revenue triggers for a commodity must be met on both a state and farm basis. Most ACRE payments were issued the week of October 12, 2010. The Acre final direct payment is 80% of the DCP final direct rate. Corn was $.224, wheat $.416, soybeans $.352.
Have a great week and safe Hunting!
That’s all for now, FSA Andy