Pizza: It’s a part of life for many or at least this reporter’s life


I have visited and reported on several farms where they have tried to spin off into a whole new agricultural business while keeping the original going.

I have toured farms where they are making cheese from sheep milk, or others where they are raising their own beef and then selling it as freezer beef right on the farm. And all have been successful.

But never had I toured a farm that was growing the vegetables and most of the meat they use on their own pizzas. So when I got the assignment to develop a story about Sirna’s Farm and found out about the pizza shop — my immediate thought was, how are they going to do this? My second thought? How can I go wrong with this assignment? Who doesn’t like pizza, right?

The Sirnas are a very down-to-earth family. They are not afraid of hard work and are willing to do whatever they need to do in order to get the job done. Besides picking their own vegetables to use on their pizzas, they also make the sauce. They hold their family values high, and it shows in their farm market and pizza parlor.

It’s the perfect combination. Pizza and family. They are two things that go together. Pizza is a staple in many families. Let’s face it, sometimes life throws us a curve ball and we are stuck looking for something for dinner. One question comes to mind for many of us when this happens — what would you like on your pizza?

I have to admit, pizza is a food weakness of mine. I love a good crispy crust, topped with rich tomato sauce and finished with oooey-goooey melted cheese.

Think about it:

I believe our love affair with pizza starts when we are young. I can remember growing up and being excited because I knew it was Friday and it meant pizza night!
Pizza is served at most birthday parties. And I remember going to roller skating parties and the entree served? You guessed it! Pizza! Then it goes on to be served at the slumber parties. No one could have a slumber party without pizza being served — from vegetables to three meats piled high on the pie. You had to have pizza to go along with the antics involving the game of “call the boys and then hang up before they know who called.”

Time flies and before you know it, you are eating it while cramming for college all-nighters. I won’t sugar coat it. I ate my share of pizza trying to cram for classes or get projects done.

And the attraction to pizza doesn’t stop in adulthood. Trust me, I know. I’m attempting to balance a 7-month old, a full-time job, a husband and a home. Let me say, I don’t always balance everything and we end up eating pizza!

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