Take care of houseplants this winter


Winter doesn’t provide ideal growing conditions, even indoors. Cool temperatures, dry conditions and limited daylight are all unfavorable factors for plants.

Luckily, there are ways to keep your plants healthy indoors until spring weather begins. The National Gardening Association offers several recommendations for taking care of houseplants from December to March.


All plants are different: some need moist soil at all times, while others do not.

You likely won’t need to water your houseplants every day during the winter, but you will need to check each plant’s soil once a week. If the soil is dry at 2 inches deep, then the plant needs watered. Let the water completely drain, and dump any water sitting in the saucer underneath the pot after about an hour.


Plants probably won’t need fertilizer during the winter. If you decide to fertilize, dilute the fertilizer by at least 50 percent.

Keep plants clean

Plants need to breathe, too, so remove dust, debris and pests from leaves regularly by cleaning plants’ leaves.

Use a lukewarm solution of water and diluted liquid dishwashing soap. Wipe off each leaf with the soapy water, then wipe them off again with clean water.

Other tips

Keep the temperature in your home between 65 degrees F and 75 degrees F during the daytime and between 60 degrees F and 65 degrees F overnight. Don’t place plants near drafts, vents and radiators, and don’t let their leaves touch windows.