Website users can create, submit legislative maps


COLUMBUS — Visitors to now have the ability to draw new state and congressional district boundaries using 2010 U.S. Census data and the web-based, map drawing program Maptitude. is sponsored by Secretary of State Jon Husted, the Legislative Task Force on Redistricting and the Ohio Apportionment board and was unveiled during the first meeting of the Apportionment board.


It is meant to serve as a guide for those wishing to learn more about the two parallel, but separate processes for creating new General Assembly and Congressional districts for Ohio based on the latest Census data.

Additionally, visitors to the site will be able to use what they have learned while exploring the site to create and if they choose, submit a plan for new General Assembly districts for consideration by the Apportionment board.

Under the Apportionment board’s rules, maps must be submitted no later than noon Sept. 23 to be considered. Those submitting maps will be required to furnish 10 paper copies and one electronic copy to the Apportionment board via the Ohio House Clerk’s office, Ohio Statehouse, second floor, Columbus, OH 43215.


Plans must include a visual representation and legal definitions of those districts and should be completed for the entire state, that is, including all districts.

The only exception applies to those submitting stand-alone minority districts, though these submissions must also include both a visual representation and legal definitions of the proposed boundaries of all districts in the county or counties which would contain the proposed minority districts.


For more information about the submission process and available technical support, visit While there is no formal submission process for submitting congressional district plans to the General Assembly, the software and data on is also conducive for those who want to provide input to their own state legislators who will have a vote on the final Congressional district maps.