Pacelle pledges support for Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board, Buckeye ag agreeement


REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio — The leader of the nation’s largest animal welfare organization has pledged his support for the newly created Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board.

In an Aug. 24 meeting at the Ohio Department of Agriculture in Reynoldsburg, The Humane Society of the United States’ CEO Wayne Pacelle told board members he upholds the ballot decision Ohioans approved last fall calling for the board’s formation, and its charge to set standards of welfare for farm animals.

“We recognize the vote of the citizens of Ohio on Issue 2, and we recognize the authority of the livestock board,” Pacelle said during the board’s public comment period.

The board is the first of its kind in the nation and was approved with nearly a two-thirds vote.

He called it “a novel structure to address an increasingly complex set of issues. It’s not just animal welfare, it’s production, it’s environment, it’s rural values, it’s food safety. This is a tangle of issues.”

Pacelle’s approval comes at a time when other Midwestern states are working on their own care boards, to keep animal welfare concerns under their own power. His acceptance of the Ohio board has evolved over an 18-month period, following his unsuccessful attempt in January 2009 to negotiate with Ohio’s agriculture leaders.

The matter then proceeded to the state’s Issue 2 campaign and voter passage of state Issue 2 in November, which called for the creation of an Ohio-based care board to determine standards for Ohio’s livestock.

Change of mind

Initially, Pacelle and HSUS were opposed to creation of the board, but made little effort to defeat the initiative. Instead, HSUS launched its own ballot initiative in the spring of 2010, to mandate to the care board, certain “minimum standards.”

As the June signature filing deadline came to a close in Ohio, HSUS reported that it had collected the sufficient number to appear on the November ballot (just over 400,000). But at the same time, and virtually at the last minute, Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland announced that a deal had been reached between HSUS and Ohio’s farm groups, that would ultimately prevent what he called costly spending on “an acrimonious campaign.”

Contentious issue

Pacelle said it was unclear who would have won if another initiative had appeared on the state’s ballot. What was clear is, only one party would prevail.

“I guarantee you that with a ballot initiative, one side would have lost,” he said. “Here, we have the possibility of two sides (winning).

Pacelle said the compromise wasn’t easy, for his supporters, or for the supporters of Ohio agriculture.

“I know that while we have disagreements with some of those trade representatives and some of the representatives certainly have disagreements with us, I think we saw each other as fair-minded, serious-minded people,” he said. “If we can’t sit down in society and work some of these things out, that portends trouble.”

Pacelle noted there are differing world perspectives as to how animals are treated and used.

“We’ve got very different world views — a lot of us — on how animals should be treated in agriculture. Folks who are using the conventional methods of veal production and gestation crate production are in a different place than a lot of the folks whom I work with.”

Those whom he works with at HSUS promote a vegan agenda — abstaining from eating meat, dairy and other animal products. HSUS supports what it calls the “Three-R-s,” reduce, refine and replace consumption of animal foods — points that have sparked criticism from livestock producers, who want to promote and increase demand for their product.

But Pacelle said the standards listed in the compromise will have a positive effect on farm-consumer relations.

“The industry will be better off with the American consumer, if these policies are adopted,” he said.


The agreement, which contains the signatures of Strickland, Ohio’s major farm commodity groups and Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, is not legally binding. But there are repercussions both sides could face if conditions go unmet, including a return to the ballot in future elections.

“This is a gentlemen’s and gentlewomen’s agreement between the parties, a good-faith effort to figure out a pathway forward for all of us … and the nation will be looking at what you do,” Pacelle said. “Are we going to have these really polarized circumstances, or are we going to find a pathway forward.”

Board member Jeff Wuebker, a farmer from Versailles, said Pacelle’s comments were “timely” and “a good summary” of the Ohio-HSUS agreement.

Jerry Lahmers, board member and farmer from Newcomerstown, said he heard some significant points in Pacelle’s testimony, some that surprised him, but in a good way.

“It’s interesting to me that he made these comments,” Lahmers said. “He would appear to support us.”

Editor’s Note: Here is a link to the recommendations agreed upon by the parties. It explains some of the terms for meeting the agreement, though some are also implied.

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  1. Ahhhhh Chris, that is Wayne Pacelle’s M.O. Ted Bundy was charming, was he not?
    The animal rights social movement believes that no animal – none, should be owned or used or kept by humans. You got it, even those for food. Don’t forget Wayne worked for PETA! Need I say more? If you are a creative writer, think about someone pushing veganism thoughout the USA and in other countries and who believes that there should be no human animal contact at all – then think about what would happen to the human race when meat is all but outlawed or so expensive that not all can afford it, owning a dog is just a dim memory and no one remembers what a Collie, Aussie, or a Boston Bull dog looked like. I bet you did not think it was all about animal welfare. Animal welfare is quite different from animal rights the vegan animal rights social movement. The first person to have animal “rights” laws was Hitler, way back in 1933. You may like to read how this ended!

  2. Although we should work towards better treatment of Agricultural Animals it should not be at the expense of the other animal industries. I see Mr. Pacelle did not talk about Senate Bill 95 or the Ban on Exotic Animals and that he, like the Farm Bureau, are working at making this entire agreement sound great.

    Fear trumps over freedom. Will Ohio be coerced by inflammed rhetoric from the AR Movement? Will we over react to a non-existent threat by enacting overly intrusive animal bans? Gov. Strickland thinks so. Even people who don’t own animals should realize that every time a new law is passed, the government powers and bureaucracy are growing and our personal freedoms are shrinking.

    The HSUS is a lobbying organization with an operating budget of nearly 1 Million dollars annually yet gives less than 1/10th percent of its money to local humane organizations (this comes directly from their own IRS tax forms).

    In Congressional testimony the FBI testified that AR groups ALF and ELF are considered eco-terrorists because of their actions to destory buidlings and attack people. In this same testimony, monetary and verbal links where shown between HSUS these 2 very groups. A trend has developed as HSUS marches state to state in the name of Animal Rights; just prior to their arrival there always seems to be some group release undercover footage of alleged animal abuse. Tactic to generate support? Their CEO stated in Animal People News, “We have no problem with the extinction of domestic animals. They are creations of human selective breeding.” Works right into his 3-R’s thought process. Think about it, livestock is a product of human selective breeding, not just dogs and cats.

    Don’t be fooled Ohio, once HSUS is let in the door we are headed down a path we cannot turn back from. This country was founded on “Freedom”, don’t let a Dictatorship take that away from us.

  3. Farmer, I hear your concerns. Obviously, there could be a long road ahead, depending on what plays out. I’m not endorsing nor questioning Pacelle’s support of the board, just reporting that he gave it.

    Continue to check back, as I’m processing some other testimony given.

  4. Chris, you say that “there are repercussions both sides could face.” Please explain what repurcussions HSUS faces. It seems to me that the HSUS holds the whip hand; and only the Ohio farmer, exotic pet owner and dog breeder has anything to lose from this deal.

  5. Keep in mind that LCampbell’s statement about animals, all of them, from pets to livestock, and heading down a path of no return, is ACCURATE. Wayne said “One Generation and OUT” along with his “selective breeding” comment…a generation in livestock and pets is not but a few years, so don’t mistake it for 20 years like it is in people!!

    A MERE 5 years can make a difference!

  6. Here is a link to our summary of the agreement:

    It spells out the terms and some of what both parties are to gain or lose if it is not upheld. Some consequences are explicit, while others are implied.

    But yeah, per Alan’s suggestion, who really gains or loses here? What does agriculture need from HSUS? It might take an editorial to answer that. Columbus Dispatch wrote one today, from same meeting.

  7. The H$U$ and their ILK love to do compromises. Here is the problem with compromises. When you consider that the very word means each side gives up something.

    THEY HAVE NOTHING TO GIVE UP, only our side does.


  8. All good comments here from people that ‘get it’. HSUS will hold that ballot initiative over our heads as blackmail to force us to their will. This will end in no meat, no pets. It is the HSUS GOAL!

    And now they have jumped on egg farmers due to the salmonella incident. Interesting how these incidents happen to come about at the very same time that HSUS is trying to destroy the egg industry. Hmmmm…..

    They say we should not be eating eggs. What about the incidents with the lettuce, the spinach, the tomatoes. I guess we should all eat NOTHING and starve to death.

    These things happen, we don’t live in a spotless world. The key is in quality control, to make sure if it happens it doesn’t get end up on our plates.

  9. Speaking of eggs, this egg farmer was the one the group Mercy for Animals paid a visit to, right? Do we have a clue if some of their people could have come to his place again and helped cause this problem? Not accusing anyone, just asking.

  10. Let’s not forget that they are also throwing Gamefowl breeders under the bus. Along with dog breeders and exotic animal breeders. There are many gamefowl breeds currently recognized by the american poultry association (Old English, and many oriental breeds, ect.). In the proposed legislation, there is language that states that a person can be charged with a felony for raising these types of fowl based on appearance and INTENT to fight them. Whether you are actually doing it or not all they have say is that you intend to (which is a total crock). I know many breeders that have nothing to do with fighting these fowl but raise them because they are excellent fowl to show and win many awards doing so. There is nothing in this legislation that protects these people and law enforcement have no training regarding these types of poultry, so they do not know the difference. The HSUS are labeled as the “experts” and they want these types of fowl destroyed. So what do you think will happen? Any agreement with the HSUS will ultimately end in our rights and freedoms being taken away. Wayne Parcelle is a wolf in sheeps clothing. BEWARE

  11. 7 Things You Didn’t Know About HSUS
    (The Humane Society of the United States)

    1. The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is a “humane society” in name only, since it doesn’t operate a single pet shelter or pet adoption facility anywhere in the United States. HSUS operates sanctuaries for large animals only, not shelters within the commonly accepted definition of shelter. During 2006, HSUS contributed only 4.2 percent of its budget to organizations that operate hands-on dog and cat shelters. In reality, HSUS is a wealthy animal-rights lobbying organization (the largest and richest on earth) that agitates for the same goals as PETA and other radical groups.

    2. Beginning on the day of NFL quarterback Michael Vick’s2007 dog fighting indictment, HSUS raised money online with the false promise that it would “care for the dogs seized in the Michael Vick case.” The New York Times later reported that HSUS wasn’t caring for Vick’s dogs at all. And HSUS president Wayne Pacelle told the Times that his group recommended that government officials “put down” (that is, kill) the dogs rather than adopt them out to suitable homes. HSUS later quietly altered its Internet fundraising pitch.

    3. HSUS’s senior management includes a former spokesman for the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), a criminal group designated as “terrorists” by the FBI. HSUS president Wayne Pacelle hired John “J.P.” Goodwin in 1997, the same year Goodwin described himself as “spokesperson for the ALF” while he fielded media calls in the wake of an ALF arson attack at a California veal processing plant. In 1997, when asked by reporters for a reaction to an ALF arson fire at a farmer’s feed co-op in Utah (which nearly killed a family sleeping on the premises), Goodwin replied, “We’re ecstatic.” That same year, Goodwin was arrested at a UC Davis protest celebrating the 10-year anniversary of an ALF arson at the university that caused $5 million in damage. And in 1998, Goodwin described himself publicly as a “former member of ALF.”

    4.HSUS raised a reported $34 million in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, supposedly to help reunite lost pets with their owners. But comparatively little of that money was spent for its intended purpose. Louisiana’s Attorney General shuttered his 18-month-long investigation into where most of these millions went, shortly after HSUS announced its plan to contribute $600,000 toward the construction of an animal shelter on the grounds of a state prison. Public disclosures of the disposition of the $34 million in Katrina-related donations add up to less than $7 million.

    5. After gathering undercover video footage of improper animal handling at a Chino, CA slaughterhouse during November of 2007, HSUS sat on its video evidence for three months, even refusing to share it with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. HSUS’s Dr. Michael Greger testified before Congress that the San Bernardino County (CA) District Attorney’s office asked the group “to hold on to the information while they completed their investigation.” But the District Attorney’s office quickly denied that account, even declaring that HSUS refused to make its undercover spy available to investigators if the USDA were present at those meetings. Ultimately, HSUS chose to release its video footage at a more politically opportune time, as it prepared to launch a livestock-related ballot campaign in California. Meanwhile, meat from the slaughterhouse continued to flow into the U.S. food supply for months.

    6. According to a 2008 Los Angeles Times investigation, less than 12 percent of money raised for HSUS by California telemarketers actually ends up in HSUS’s bank account. The rest is kept by professional fundraisers. And if you exclude two campaigns run for HSUS by the “Build-a-Bear Workshop” retail chain, which consisted of the sale of surplus stuffed animals (not really “fundraising”), HSUS’s yield number shrinks to just 3 percent. Sadly, this appears typical. In 2004, HSUS ran a telemarketing campaign in Connecticut with fundraisers who promised to return a minimum of zero percent of the proceeds. The campaign raised over $1.4 million. Not only did absolutely none of that money go to HSUS, but the group paid $175,000 for the telemarketing work.

    7. Research shows that HSUS’s heavily promoted U.S. “boycott” of Canadian seafood—announced in 2005 as a protest against Canada’s annual seal hunt—is a phony exercise in media manipulation. A 2006 investigation found that 78 percent of the restaurants and seafood distributors described by HSUS as “boycotters” weren’t participating at all. Nearly two-thirds of them told surveyors they were completely unaware HSUS was using their names in connection with an international boycott campaign. Canada’s federal government is on record about this deception, saying: “Some animal rights groups have been misleading the public for years … it’s no surprise at all that the richest of them would mislead the public with a phony seafood boycott.”

    Want evidence? Visit
    Revised October 2008. Complete sources and documentation available upon request.

  12. One thing you can count on .. if Wayne’s lips are moving.. he is lying..if he were not a vegan i would swear he was a snake oil salesman.. here are more quotes straight from the vegan own mouth.. and remember a leopard does NOT change his spots:
    “I don’t have a hands-on fondness for animals…To this day I don’t feel bonded to any non-human animal. I like them and I pet them and I’m kind to them, but there’s no special bond between me and other animals.” Wayne Pacelle quoted in Bloodties: Nature, Culture and the Hunt by Ted Kerasote, 1993, p. 251.
    “We have no ethical obligation to preserve the different breeds of livestock produced through selective breeding. . One generation and out. We have no problem with the extinction of domestic animals. They are creations of human selective breeding.” Wayne Pacelle, Senior VP of Humane Society of the US, formerly of Friends of Animals and Fund for Animals, Animal People, May, 1993

    When asked if he envisioned a future without pets, “If I had my personal view, perhaps that might take hold. In fact, I don’t want to see another dog or cat born.” Wayne Pacelle quoted in Bloodties: Nature, Culture and the Hunt by Ted Kerasote, 1993, p. 266.

    “We are going to use the ballot box and the democratic process to stop all hunting in the United States … We will take it species by species until all hunting is stopped in California. Then we will take it state by state. Wayne Pacelle, Senior VP Humane Society of the US (HSUS), formerly of Friends of Animals and Fund for Animals, Full Cry Magazine, October 1, 1990.

    in your politics:
    “We would be foolish and silly not to unite with people in the public health sector, the environmental community, [and] unions, to try to challenge corporate agriculture.” Wayne Pacelle, Senior VP Humane Society of the US, formerly of Friends of Animals and Fund for Animals, at the Animal Rights 2002″ Convention, July 1, 2002.

    on hunting:
    Our goal is to get sport hunting in the same category as cock fighting and dog fighting.” Wayne Pacelle, Senior VP Humane Society of the US (HSUS), formerly of Friends of Animals and Fund for Animals, (Bozeman (MT) Daily Chronicle, October 8, 1991

    “We are going to use the ballot box and the democratic process to stop all hunting in the United States … We will take it species by species until all hunting is stopped in California. Then we will take it state by state. Wayne Pacelle, Senior VP Humane Society of the US (HSUS), formerly of Friends of Animals and Fund for Animals, Full Cry Magazine, October 1, 1990.

    “The definition of obscenity on the newsstands should be extended to many hunting magazines.” Wayne Pacelle, quoted in Bloodties: Nature, Culture and the Hunt by Ted Kerasote, 1993, p. 265.

    “My goal is the abolition of all animal agriculture.” JP Goodwin, employed at the Humane Society of the US,

    Goodwin was hired by Pacelle.. he was arrested for terrorism.. something Wayne calls “youthful folly”

    Next is your church.. The HSUS has a huge push on the infiltrate your church.. watch for it

  13. Wayne Pacele is as slippery as a whale and dont think he isnt up to no good because he is, he and his ilk need a little investigation of them to see what they are up to. Like our president and the other elites they are very arrogant and think the rest of us are stupid farmers, dont think were all uninformed nor are we not aware of your tricks. All I can say is we as voters in this country need to get rid of the liberals this fall and in 2012or we will all be living under communist control, with no freedoms at all.Take back our country, before it is too late!!!

  14. This is getting scary, One of the reasons I agreed to move up here is my husdband explained that there was alot more green grass for my animals to eat and we would have alot more acrage then we did back home, well he was right.My animals mean alot to me,I’ve had most of them since they were babbies,I bottle raised my cows and most of my goats and they have thier own babbies now.My animals don’t make me alot of money by a long shot, they take alot of money to keep them healthy but I wouldn’t give them up for nothing and no one is going to tell me that we can no longer have pets or livestock.I will move back to Okalhoma before that happens where its hot dry and no grass hardly but it would be worth it, farmers and ranchers in OK. don’t put up with this grap and I know people here in Ohio won’t much longer either.I’ve only been here for a year now and I really like the land up here and people are friendly for the most part, I know if we stick to our guns we can fight these animal haters cause that is what they are.

  15. Interesting choice of words Mr. Pacelle. Calling the OCLSB a “novel structure”. Are you trying to belittle the board or do you think you’ll just abandon the “agreement” the first of the year and go after the ballot because you didn’t have enough time to start your fire this year?

    “Here, we have the possibility of two sides (winning).” Let’s face it; the only one’s winning in this agreement is you. The Farm Bureau and you are just using the old smoke and mirrors trick to confuse the voters and make them think everything is just fine when in fact, your recoiling to strike like the snakes your trying to ban.

    Chris hit the nail on the head when he wrote, to mandate to the care board, certain “minimum standards.” Mr. Pacelle is all about being a dictator and forcing his views on everyone. Why else would he be going to every state telling them how to do things when he has never lived on a farm. He doesn’t care about the animals, he has stated that. All he cares about is having his name in the spotlight.

    All the posters are correct, it’s not just about Livestock although the OFBF and HSUS want to push that idea, this “agreement” affects Exotic Animal owners, Dog owners, and Poultry owners. It is time to stand up to Gov Strickland and tell him, we voted you in and we sure can vote you out this year. Ohio’s animal future is very gray and getting darker each month. Time for all Ohioans to call Strickland, call ODA, call ODNR, call the Senate and House reps and tell them WE DO NOT SUPPORT THE HSUS IN OUR STATE.

    614-466-3555 is the number to dial. Ask for yourself if our Governor supports HSUS, any one of his aids will tell you he does. So how can Gov. Strickland support FFA, 4-H, Animal Agriculture and HSUS at the same time when we know that HSUS stands for no animal ownership, including livestock, cats, dogs, and exotic animals.

  16. Mr. Pacelle is doing a wonderful job keeping animals out of human hands, by working to place many animals on protected species list….and working for those problem airport and park geese in New York, no fur trapping or exports, working to protect animals from human hands. And those already in human hands, working to set these animals free also. Get it? No humans use of any animal for anything. Remember the HSUS lobbying for the New Jersey Bear. Hasn’t there now been bear- human contacts in every county in New Jersey of all places. Wayne lobbied hard for the N. J. bear and the Oregon bear laws also. Should we thank him for his work against horse slaughter when many horses were turned loose to be killed slowly being eaten by other animals or starve because people had no alternative to selling animals they could no longer care for in this economy? Should we thank him in advance for being the one who would be responsible for the disappearence of the purebred dog or the sport of hunting. Should we thank him in advance in lobbying through scare tatics that will eventually end the dairy, cheese, chicken, egg, and beef industry. How much does all this cost the USA? An then what? Will HSUS lobby our government official to issue vitimin B for those who can not get enough protein in their diet and are suffering the ill effects (it is not pretty)?
    One may want to check the veggies or the things a vegans are allowed to eat and see what made the samonella list in the last couple of weeks. We have yet to see these in the national headlines. Will Wayne Pacelle become the Vegan King and everything animal and lead the world to a more compassionate eutopia where bears are knocking at the backdoor and children are romping in the yard with their pet “adopted” dog who is chasing 15 rats? Google Peter Singer, Gary Francione and read their ideas, considered the leaders in the modern animal rights movement, and don’t forget negoationis or ,org, the new vegan animal rights activist on the block. As HSUS and PETA are similiar in thinking, you will see in is much the same. Please read closely, this is the face of the modern vegan animal rights social movement, that is if you want to know more or one may just want to get in bed and turn the electric blanket to 9 and assume the prenatal position and try to feel safe and secure in the terror of the animal rights social movement enforcement agenda.

  17. The Cleveland newspaper posted an article on the bear attack in Ohio and had this statement from Pacelle; “the chief executive of the Humane Society of the United States issued a statement saying that Kandra’s death shows the need for immediate action by Ohio’s leaders to prohibit private ownership of dangerous wild animals.” Us animal owners see HSUS as dangerous and the continually attack us, Gov. Strickland should issue an executive order to ban HSUS from Ohio.

    Just because Wayne never finished college and is CEO of the largest dictatorship in America doesn’t give him the right to tell us how to do things. Media jumps all over stories like this much as a vulture does a dead animal. Any animal owner assumes the risks that come with that animal. We all know that even a dairy cow can injure or kill in the right situation. AR’s fail to acknowledge that aspect.

    We need to battle this on all sides, from the HB 108, SB 95, Ban on Wild Animals as well as the livestock. The future of all animal ownership is in grave danger. Pacelle, Strickland and Farm Bureau can all make this seem pretty and just but they need a wakeup call before it’s too late for us that own the animals.

    Call, call, call, flood Strickland’s office with calls, write and call your representatives in the House and Senate. Inform everyone that doesn’t know the HSUS is not out to save the animals, get the truth out. We voted the board in now lets fight to let them do the job we said they are capable of doing without outside bullying. Know that HSUS has a smaller group right here in our state, they are called “Ohioans for Humane Farms”.

    Don’t be fooled by any of them. We stand together now and fight or we all lose. If you own an animal and you care for it, speak up now. Dec 31st is not that far away.

    Just because Wayne never finished college and is CEO of the largest dictatorship in america doesn’t give him the right to tell us how to do things. Media jumps all over stories like this much as a vulture does a dead animal. Any animal owner assumes the risks that come with that animal. We all know that even a dairy cow can injure or kill in the right situation. AR’s fail to acknowledge that aspect.

    We need to battle this on all sides, from the HB 108, SB 95, Ban on Wild Animals as well as the livestock. The future of all animal ownership is in grave danger. Pacelle, Stickland and Farm Bureau can all make this seem pretty and just but they need a wakeup call before it’s too late for us that own the animals.

    Call, call, call, flood Stricklands office with calls, write and call your representatives in the House and Senate. Inform everyone that doesn’t know the HSUS is not out to save the animals, get the truth out. We voted the board in now lets fight to let them do the job we said they are capable of doing without outside bullying. Know that HSUS has a smaller group right here in our state, they are called “Ohioans for Humane Farms”.

    Don’t be fooled by any of them. We stand together now and fight or we all lose. If you own an animal and you care for it, get in know and speak up now. Dec 31st is not that far away.

  18. Wayne Pacelle President Of Humane Society Of United States. If I was a Professional Dog Breeder. I would have Wayne Pacelle Neutered . There is a very bad gen in his blood line. As for Governor Ted Strickland, Jim Chakeres Ohio Poultry Association, Dick Isler Ohio Pork Council, Elisabeth Harsh Ohio Cattleman’s Association, Dwayne Siekman Ohio Corn Growers Association, Jamie Butts Ohio Soybean Association, Scott Higging Ohio Dairy Association, and lets not forget Jack Fisher Ohio Farm Bureau Federation. They don’t need to be fixed we all know they don’t have any thing down there to reproduce. They do know how to sell out Ohio Farmers, Exotic Breeders and Ohio Professional Dog Breeders, Mr. Pacelle want no animal human intervention, He want all Ohio to become a Vegan. State I don’t think even the the animal rights group in Ohio get it.. HE WANTS A WORLD WITH OUT ANIMALS. Were will all the big mouthed animal rights group go? What will they do if there leader gets his way? What will they run there mouth about them?? Save the plants?? Ask your self how any of the animal abuse cases have you seen on TV news papers. How many of these people went free? We have laws in Ohio. Lets Keep Government from taking more from us. Governor Ted Strickland said him self “The Exotic animal made 12.5 Billion dollars last year for Ohio”. Can Ohio afford to loose more money, more Jobs Strickland need voted out. I also feel every leader in the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation needs replaced. Ones that have a set

  19. In my opinion, the purpose of the Care Board was/is to bring this entire discussion into the public forum of legitimate, open, debate. I am amazed, knowing the depth of emotional feeling that exists on this issue how few (I was the only farmer to speak at Tuesday’s meeting)who show up at a care board meeting and make public comment. What do you think you accomplish by posting insults to webpages using assumed names? I would encourage you to put together a sensible reply. Write it down. And present it at a meeting. You do not have to let farm bureau and the commodity groups run your life. You can stand in line and speak in the same microphone that Wayne did. It is your life that is being decided here. Get involved!

  20. I Raise Exotics I Don’t want the OHIO FARM BUREAU telling me how to raise my animals Nor do I want HSUS. I have My USDA Inspector and MY ODNR Game Warden for that. I abide By their rules. The Wonderful Governor and Wayne Pacelle and OFBF now that it is an election Year wants to take away my livilyhood. The Ohio Farm Bureau has never had anything to do with Exotics or Dogs. I and a lot of others was told by the The OHIO FARM BUREAU we was aceptable Collateral damage. Also we was told we could come to the meeting we could have 30 Minutes we maybe able to talk. We have to work we are not making Millions Like Strickland, Pacelle and the Others from the Commidity Groups. In a few weeks Good old Gov. Strickland will put us on welfare. He is good at loosing jobs and putting Ohio Deep in the tolilet. For 20 years i have raised animals and had to fight for my rights to own Exotics. I am a Member of the only true Animal ownership organization. The Ohio Association Of Animal owners. I’m curious as to what type of farming you do that you have time to drive to Columbus and attend these meetings as my animals require me to care for them before I attend meetings. I chose to voice my opinion through calling my State Reps and sending letters. Not everyone that is affecting by this “agreement” You must not be a person that barley makes a living. Or maybe OFBF pays some of your bills??

  21. I would agree with you Butch, Mr. Wildman must be so rich he don’t need to tend to his farm so he can attend meetings. I live 4 hours from Columbus and there is no way I could ever attend those meetings. My farm requires me to be there 365 days a year. I have a couple of hands to help but that still don’t give me the luxury to sport off to some meeting at which I may not even get to speak at.

    And Mr. Wildman, Earl is my real name, you may call me Earl. Mr. Wildman, I would ask that you not attack everyone that posts here because some people are extremely afraid of the Animal Rights groups. MFA that attacked Mr. Conklin has a sub-group right here in our state, they have tents setup at the fair and other places to gain support. Not please don’t forget about the Ohioans for Humane Farms. We all know they are funded by HSUS directly.

    I fully understand why some people do not chose to give thier true identity. Personnally, if any of them try and pull the garbage with me I’m gonna open a can of something up on them. I’m big enough to do it and i’m not afraid to.

    I’d love to Mr. Pacelle to ask to visit my farm, i’d show him personally where I put all my manure.


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