Animal ID and animal welfare: Strange bedfellows



We are opposed to a mandatory National Animal Identification System, NAIS, because it will be financially devastating to the small farmer and rancher.

Such a mandatory system will also further erode the rights of the small farmer/rancher guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

It is because of these concerns that we are continuing to monitor the organizations that USDA has funded in order to further NAIS implementation. The data is available on and is provided by the Federal Assistance Awards Data System and the Federal Procurement Data System.

We also know how concerned Farm Bureau is about the ever-increasing influence of the HSUS and PeTA. The Farm and Dairy story, “Humane society: Ohio, here we come,” (March 5, 2009) clearly highlighted HSUS’s intention of declaring war on Ohio animal agriculture.

What does this have to do with NAIS? The records online at indicate that Humane Farm Animal Care, a 501(c)3, received a $300,143.00 grant from the USDA Sept. 30, 2007. The purpose of this grant? USDA’s stated purpose in granting the funds was “National Animal Identification System Mobilizing Outreach Resources and Networks to Promote Premises Registration.”

Why is that grant important? The Humane Farm Animal Care Web site describes the organization as a partner of the Humane Society of the United States.

Let’s go back now to the Farm and Dairy story of March 5. The Humane Society of the United States is the group that has successfully outlawed hen cages, veal crates, and gestation stalls in California, Arizona, and Florida. Funded by USDA dollars, this group is working against the best efforts of Farm Bureau to preserve animal agriculture as it promotes premises registration for OFBF’s “friend,” the USDA.

If there remains any doubt about the HSUS’s true intentions in regards to the future of American animal agriculture and its farmers and ranchers, go online to watch this video from the Humane Farm Animal Care (HSUS).

We sincerely hope that our honorable and well-intentioned leaders at Farm Bureau and its “animal agriculture advocates” have their eyes wide open and their plans of action ready to stop the train before it wrecks all of us — the small farmers and ranchers of the United States of America.

American Farm Bureau and Ohio Farm Bureau Federation will be in our prayers. We are deeply concerned about the future of animal agriculture.

Thomas and Diane Jones
Chagrin Falls, Ohio

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  1. This is Orwell come true! What are these people thinking. I feel like the gastapo is around every corner in this country as it prepares us for the New World Order (don’t laugh,that is what this is all about.) Our constitution should protect us from unlawful search and seizure. Money being thrown at starving states to insure compliance with state business is bribery. States not the Feds should look after their own. Also we farmers tend to be on the independent side so if they know where your animals are…they know you are not far from them. Also didn’t Hitler require registration of the Jews so he could round them up? Our government is leading us to the slaughter. Hound your Congressman untill you get straight answers. Unless we want to give up being free human beings…we must fight this!

  2. Comply with the laws or got to prison and have your assets seized.
    If you want no regulations move to Mexico, but remember to wear your body armor!