Jeffries starts new direct sales seed company


WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE, Ohio — Chris Jeffries recently started a direct sales seed company, Seed Genetics-DIRECT, LLC.

Jeffries said the new company “will be offering a pricing structure that will be fair to all customers, not just the larger farmer. Seed Genetics-DIRECT will eliminate the middleman and deal directly with growers.”

“As things change, the more they stay the same,” said Jeffries, who had previous founded and built Seed Consultants Inc. “I have deep passion for the seed industry and love working with farmers, and I am very excited about building a new seed company that answers my customers’ needs.”

Research partner

Seed Genetics-DIRECT will team with Agricultural Research & Testing from Williamsburg, Indiana, as its testing partner. In 2017, Ag Research & Testing’s corn and soybean plots span from Galesburg, Illinois, to Tiffin, Ohio, and from Concord, Michigan, to Danville, Kentucky.

Ag Research & Testing has 28 corn locations with more than 13,000 yield plots and nearly 10,000 soybean yield plots.


For spring 2018, Seed Genetics-DIRECT will offer nine conventional, five RR2Y, six RR2Xtend, and nine Liberty Link soybean varieties from 2.6 to 4.2 maturity. Additionally, SG-DIRECT will have access to Balance GT soybeans.

Seed Genetics-DIRECT’s corn lineup will offer 26 base hybrids, including conventional hybrids as well as hybrids offering of GT, GTCBLL, GTCBLLRW, Viptera, and Artesian traits.

Jeffries can be contacted at; 740-505-0073; or P.O. Box 32, 9983 Jeffersonville-West Lancaster Road, Jeffersonville, OH 43128.


  1. I am interested in pricing on liberty and or liberty genetic brand spray for liberty soybeans and corn. also any additives such as ammonium sulfate. Thanks