Read this before you sign that pipeline easement lease

(Farm and Dairy file photo)
(Farm and Dairy file photo)

The continued Utica and Marcellus shale development in the oil and gas industry has now brought about the construction of pipelines to move the product to processing facilities. Many landowners in the Utica play have or will be approached with a request to obtain an easement on property for the construction of pipelines.

The easement typically limits in part or entirely the landowner’s rights on the easement property.

Easements can also be temporary or perpetual. This is an important distinction for tax planning purposes. If the easement is temporary the income received is treated as ordinary income. If, on the other hand, the easement is perpetual the income is taxed as capital gains income.

Standard agreement

Often a landowner will be approached by a company asking for an easement to install a pipeline across their property and will be presented with a “standard” easement agreement.

These agreements are typically very broad and somewhat vague, and may allow for activities to occur on a property that are not desirable to the landowner.

The  document at the bottom of this article is a real easement agreement a landowner was presented with for the installation of a pipeline. The names and addresses have been changed to protect privacy, but the language in the agreement has not changed.

Areas of concern

Following the agreement is a discussion of concerns a property owner should have if presented a similar document.

The agreement presented below raises several concerns for any landowner. While not an exhaustive list, below are a number of concerns any landowner should have if presented a similar lease.pipelines 187

Opening paragraph

This paragraph includes very broad wording and should raise red flags on a number of issues:

♦ The ability to use pipelines for “any other products” raises concerns about what those products might be.

♦ This lease gives the company the right to install additional lines at any time. It is suggested additional lines be negotiated separately and one at a time.

♦ What size is the line? As pipe size increases the payments per foot should also increase.

♦ Do you want above ground pipes and other items on your property? For safety reasons, it’s best that there be nothing sticking out of the ground.

♦ “Temporary periods.” How long are these temporary periods? Does this mean there could be future “temporary periods?”

Description of Right-of-Way:

♦ Is the 40 foot area a total of 40 feet, along one side, or 40 feet on each side? Or is it 20 feet on either side of the right-of-way? The terms “overlay” and “overlap” may be of concern.

♦ The term “overlay” generally refers to a pipeline on the same property, while “overlap” refers to pipelines laying over part of another property.

♦ Temporary roads are mentioned. Of what material will these be constructed? What happens to these temporary roads upon completion of the project? Would you prefer these temporary roads become permanent roads?

♦ “Other temporary work space” is referenced. What is this? What does it include?

Timber and brush:

♦ It’s reasonable to expect that there will be areas where removal of timber and brush will be necessary during construction. However, as the landowner you should specify what you want done with the timber and brush. Where do you want it to be placed?

♦ If timber and brush are taken off-site who pays for disposal?

♦ Is there marketable timber on the property? Who/how is the value determined? Will you be compensated? If so, how?

Right of Ingress/Egress:

♦ This agreement allows the company to enter and exit the property at any location. It should be clearly specified where access is and is not allowed.

♦ It should be clearly understood that the ingress and egress are for the purposes of installing and maintaining this pipeline only. Do you want to allow access by any roads? Specify which can or can’t be used. It is recommended that the company stay on the easement.

♦ Who has keys to any locks on any gates?

Freedom from Obstructions:

♦ This agreement does not specify how deep the line will be buried. A minimum of 36 inches is a must. The deeper the better.

Use of Premises/Duty to Repair:

♦ The agreement mentions the Grantee will repair gates and fences they damage. All fence and gates replaced must be of equal or greater quality.

♦ Specify what you do or don’t want seeded upon completion of the installation. There are a number of new varieties that will out-perform and out-yield older varieties.

Right to Install Additional Pipelines:

♦ We strongly encourage landowners to negotiate for one pipeline at a time.

Other Considerations:

♦ There is no mention as to topsoil. All topsoil should be removed and placed separate from the other soil removed and be the last to be returned.

♦ Does this agreement allow the Grantee to sub-lease? If so, do you want to be notified if this occurs? Do you want to be notified within a specified period of time?

♦ There is no mention of a starting and ending date for installation. It is recommended that a reasonable time be assigned for the project to begin and end.

♦ There is no mention of any manner to terminate the agreement. A clause should be included that the agreement terminates if construction is not completed in a specified time period. If the installation is not completed on time a penalty should be assessed for each day the project is not complete. Consideration should also be given to a means to terminate the agreement if the line is not in use for a specified time.

♦ If the affected land loses its status in CAUV the grantee should be responsible for any assessments.

♦ A hold harmless agreement should be included. It should be understood that as the property owner you accept no responsibility for any injury to the Grantee, its employees, sub-contractors, etc.

Is an attorney necessary? No, an attorney is not necessary in negotiating or completing the agreement. However, it is highly recommended that landowners work closely with an attorney who has knowledge of oil and gas law.

Do your homework

When presented with a proposal to grant an easement to a company for pipeline construction on your property the money may seem attractive, but it is important you take time to carefully review the proposal.

The language in the first easement offered will generally not be favorable to the landowner. Additionally, the per foot rate offered may be less than what can be negotiated.

(The author is an agricultural extension educator in Tuscarawas and Holmes counties and a member of the OSU Extension DairyExcel team. Co-authors of this material include Peggy Hall, Director, OSU Extension Agricultural and Resources Law Program and Mark Landefeld, OSU Extension Educator, ANR, Monroe County.)

* * *

Actual Lease
(with changes to names/addresses)

John Smith, whose address is 1234 Main Street, Anytown Ohio 44663, (as “Grantor”, whether one or more), for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollar ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby give, grant, sell, and convey unto PIPELINES R US, LLC, a limited liability company, whose address is 9876 Pipeline Road, Dallas, Texas 45305 (as “Grantee”), its employees, affiliates, partners, successors, assigns, contractors, and representatives, hereinafter collectively referred to as Grantee, a permanent right of way and easement to locate, lay, operate, maintain, repair, replace, and remove pipelines, with the right to make connections thereto, change the size of, re-lay such pipelines, and/or lay additional pipelines at any time, with appurtenances thereto including, but not limited to, drips, above and below ground valves and piping, metering equipment, and other necessary appurtenances, for the transportation of oil, gas, condensate, distillate, water or saltwater, or combinations or products of any one or more of said substances or any other products or substance of any nature which may be transported by means of a pipeline wherever produced on, over, though, under, and across the lands of the Grantor, with the right of ingress and egress to and from such pipelines and appurtenances, such lands of the Grantor situated in the Township of Green, Tuscarawas County, in the State of Ohio.

Description of Right of Way — The right of way granted by Grantor to Grantee herein shall consist of a permanent width of Ninety (90) feet, said Ninety (90) foot permanent easement is to overlay and overlap an existing 90 foot easement which exists on the Premises. The approximate route of the right of way is shown on an attached Exhibit made a part hereof. During temporary periods, Grantee shall have the right to use up to Forty (40) additional feet along and adjacent to said right of way in connection with construction, maintenance, repair, removal, replacement, and/or any other right granted herein, the location of which shall be in the discretion of Grantee. During the initial construction and further maintenance of the pipeline(s) Grantee shall have the right to utilize other additional temporary workspace as reasonably necessary at road crossings, waterways or areas with unusual construction problems.

Timber/Brush — Grantee shall have the right to clear and grade said permanent right of way and temporary workspace areas, including clear cutting of timber. At the discretion of the Grantee, trees, brush and stumps will be burned, chipped, buried or used to create windrow(s). In the event Grantee elects to windrow, Grantee will leave the trees, brush and stumps outside the limits of the permanent right of way and temporary workspace areas and will provide gaps in the windrow(s) in reasonable intervals. Grantee shall have the right from time to time to cut all trees, undergrowth and remove other obstructions on the Easement that, in its judgment, may injure, endanger or interfere with the use of said pipeline.

Right of Ingress/Egress — Grantee shall have all the rights and benefits necessary or convenient for the full enjoyment or use of the right-of-way and easement herein granted, including, without limitations: the free right of ingress and egress over and across the Property to and from said right-of-way and easement; the right to use existing or future roads over and across the Premises; the right to use any roads on adjoining lands owned or controlled by Grantor; and the right from time to time to cut all trees and undergrowth and remove other obstructions that may injure, endanger or interfere with Grantee’s access, occupancy and use of its right-of-way and easement. Grantee shall have the right to install gates in any fences crossed by the pipeline(s) in order to provide direct access to the right of way and easement. Such access gates will be kept locked and secured, and will be constructed of quality equal to the existing fence.

Freedom from Obstructions — Grantor agrees not to impound water or build, create, or construct any obstruction, engineering works, or other structure within twenty (20) feet of the pipeline right of way nor permit the same to be done by others. This does not apply to any structures existing at the time of the execution of this Right of Way Agreement. Grantor shall not change the depth of cover over the right of way area as defined above without the written consent of Grantee. At all times, Grantee shall have the right to cut, trim, remove, and otherwise control such brush, trees, weeds, or other undergrowth on or along the path of the installed pipeline and its related equipment that may, in the judgment of Grantee, interfere with the exercise of its rights granted herein.

Use of the Premises/Duty to Repair — Grantor shall have the right to fully use and enjoy the Premises except as may conflict with the rights granted herein to Grantee, provided that Grantor shall not inhibit or otherwise interfere with Grantee in the exercise of any of its rights herein granted. Grantee agrees to repair or replace in a timely manner any portion of Grantor’s fences, gates, or roads that are damaged by Grantee during Grantee’s operations and to reclaim and reseed areas disturbed by Grantee’s operations.

Right to Install Additional Pipelines in the Future — In addition to the initial pipeline(s), Grantee has the right from time to time to install additional pipelines within the width of the permanent easement granted herein.

Tender of Payment — All payments to be made to the Grantor pursuant to this agreement shall be made by Grantee by check, payable and mailed or delivered to the Grantor.

Memorandum — Grantee may elect to file this Agreement, or a Memorandum of this Agreement, in the real property records of the county which the Premises is located. It is understood that this grant contains and expresses all the agreements and obligations of the parties hereto with respect to the rights herein granted and no covenant, agreement, or obligation not expressed herein shall be imposed upon the parties hereto, their heirs, successors and assigns, unless in writing and executed by both Grantee and Grantor. The terms and provisions contained herein shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors, and assigns. This Right of Way Agreement is made further subject to the terms and provisions contained in that certain unrecorded Addendum to Right of Way Agreement by and between Grantor and Grantee herein of even date herewith.

To have and to hold such rights, privileges, and easement unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, until Grantee shall release such rights, privileges, and easement by written instrument duly recorded, and Grantor hereby binds Grantor, Grantor’s heirs, successors, assigns, and legal representatives, to warrant and forever defend the easement described herein unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor have each duly signed their names this ____day of March 2013.



Grantor Signature


OSU Extension has information on the following oil and gas topics:

Hydraulic Fracturing; Questions Residents & Natural Gas Drilling: Local Leaders Should Be Asking;

The Ohio Dormant Minerals Act;

Leasing Farmland for Oil and Gas;

Using the Depletion Deduction to Minimize Oil and Gas Tax Liability;

Income Tax Management of Oil and Gas Lease Payments;

Considerations When Evaluating a Pipeline Easement Agreement;

A Landowners Guide to Understanding Recommended Pipeline Standards and Construction Specifications;

Seeding Recommendations Following Pipeline Construction.

For copies of these OSU Extension materials, check with your county Extension office, call 330-339-2337, or visit the OSU Extension Shale Education Program online.

More about pipeline agreements

Consider that pipeline’s impact to your pasture and hay fields April 7, 2015

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  1. Kim:

    I’ve not seen any lease agreements specific to water. Old leases often allowed for the movement of most any substance through the lines. More recent leases are much more specific about what can and can’t move through the lines. Let me do some checking to see what I can find on anything specific to water. Locally, it’s not uncommon for landowners to receive $50 or so per foot for gas lines.

    Chris Zoller

    • Chris
      $50 per foot for what Size gas line? Do you hear of any lease agreements where the land owner is paid monthly or annually? The Bluegrass pipeline Is poised to come across my farm.

      • Charles:

        The size varies & I would have to go back to some landowners to check on the exact size. The easement agreements I am familiar with are generally lump sum payments.

        If a line is planned across your farm make certain you have a well prepared agreement with the company that protects your interests.

        Let me know if you have other questions.


      • MAE:

        Let me preface this by saying I am not an attorney, and the information I provide here should not be considered legal advice.

        With that said, it really depends upon your lease. My understanding is that, unless you have a clause in the lease that says you must be notified prior to or at the sale of the lease, there is nothing you can do. You are not alone in this. Many, many leases are sold without the landowner being aware of the transaction.

        I would suggest you carefully read your lease to determine if such clause is included. If it is included, I suggest you contact an attorney.

        Please let me know if you have other questions.

  2. Kim:

    I spoke with a colleague in Guernsey County about your question. He responded that they are seeing rates of $1 per foot & $1 per foot of temporary easement, paid annually.

    Chris Z.

      • i was wondering if you get paid monthly or annually for a pipeline going through your property. i bought the property 2 years ago..or if they gave a lump sum when first put in.

  3. We have an oil company that delivered a stack of 30 foot sections of irrigation pipe near our farm 10 days ago. Last thursday, they had it in place, pumping water to a distant well, and never asked permission, if they could run it down the 6950 foot border of our property at the road. They didnt even have permission from the county commissioner, no permits, nothing. Also it’s a ten inch line, so we couldn’t drive over it either. Had us blocked out of our place for a week. Are we due damages for this inconvenience? It will be there another week, so they tell us. If so, what would be a starting figure for compensation?

  4. Keep in mind we don’t live on this farm, just work it. But we could not drive in or out with equipment and such for a week, until we drove the above ground pipeline four miles away to a huge oil drilling site. Even then, they denied it was their pipe. The commissioner for our area came today and was really angry, saying the line was not permitted, and they were in effect trespassing.

  5. Now….to make matters worse, we’ve been contacted, by ANOTHER company, which wants to put a permanent four inch water line and a six inch oilfield gathering line, down the 4950 foot frontage of our property in a 30 foot permanent easement. They want to discuss the price at $75.00 a rod, which is 16.5 feet, this is $22,500 roughly, which does not begin to cover the price of losing the timber and natural beauty of the land. The $75, stated, covers both lines, so they say. I figure they owe me at least the $1 per inch diameters of BOTH lines, times the footage of the line, plus and fence repairs and the loss of the timber if any. …I’d like the money… but it sure is the dickens to deal with such. THANKS!

    • Steve I have a company that’s try to get me to sign a easement for a pipeline to pass through my land the pipe is 16″ and the space they need is 50/50 they are offering me $ 11.800 it’s a one time payments. It is going to be like 620 feet long that = to 37.77 rods it’s in hunts county it’s this a good offer because I did a little homework and I read that a rod can go for $600 to $ 900 is this right

  6. Negotiating a Temporary Work Space Agreement for a pipeline to be placed parallel to our property line on adjoining property . Attorney doesn’t seem interested. Concerned about any future issues with TWS Agreement, to start. Any guidelines available you could recommend? Thank You!!

  7. Hypothetically speaking If a pipline uses a 40 foot wide r/w and is 1000 feet across a property, ( using 40,000 sq. ft.) would $5.00 a sq foot be too much to ask? As a former r/w agent for a utility I know that once the r/w is granted most likely that area is unusable for building on or near so the individual building lot value is lost as well as other uses. Unless the property owner has the money to pay for the relocation for which the item was granted it is there and will stay there. There would be timber involved in my case but I can scale timber and keep up with current prices. Being treated equitably is my primary goal. thanks.

    • I have a situation similar to yours, I own property in north Louisiana ,a gas/ pipeline company has constructed a pipeline across my property, I have three siblings who signed off on there part of ownership for pennies, now I have contacted the pipeline company to start negotiating my fair share and there response was ( send us a number $$ so that we can close this matter ), its important to know that in the first letter sent they said that they would not start construction until all signatures’ are collected, I guess they got tired of waiting on my signature so they constructed the pipeline anyway, and is now in service, now I am thinking about attempting to negotiate on my own behalf but having second thoughts, any suggestions would be appreciated

      • This sounds like a complex legal matter & I strongly encourage you to contact an attorney with knowledge of oil & gas law. I am not an attorney and can’t provide any legal advice, but do recommend you hire an one to review this matter.

        Chris Zoller
        Extension Educator, ANR
        Tuscarawas County
        Ohio State University Extension

  8. Landowners should never, ever try to self-represent in valuing and negotiating for pipeline easements and rights-of-way, oil and gas leases or seismic permits on their land.

    There is far more to determining the value of a proposed easement and right-of-way, far more to knowing what provisions an easement and right-of-way agreement should contain, and far more to evaluating what leverage both sides have in the negotiation process than any landowner or other person who is not a professional in the easement and right-of-way business, including well-intentioned extension agents, could ever have.

    It does not matter how many decades one has been in the farming and ranching business, or how many generations the land has been in one’s family. Farmers and ranchers are experts in farming and ranching, not in valuing and negotiating easements and rights-of-way, the same way that easement and right-of-way professionals are experts in valuing and negotiating easements and rights-of-way, not in farming and ranching.

    One should always get professional help for valuing and negotiating easements and rights-of-way for pipelines and similar matters on their land.

    B. K. Lemons
    President & Principal Consultant
    Resource Analytical & Management Group, LLC

    • I completely agree with your comments. Most landowners do not have the training required to arrive at a fair value. I’ve always counseled landowners to seek professional advice before signing any agreement.

      Thank you for your comments.

      Chris Zoller
      Extension Educator, ANR
      Tuscarawas County

      • Hi Chris: I am wondering if you can tell me if any landowner has negotiated a meter rate royality for BTU’s flowing through pipelines that are expected to be installed. No pipeline agreement has been established at this time.

  9. i bought property in Warrenton missouri 2 years ago. Someone told me I should be receiving money from the pipeline company for it going through my property. Not sure who to get ahold of.

    Thank You,

    Tracy Castleberry

  10. Tracy,

    I’m not an attorney, but would suggest the following:
    – Research the deed. Does it mention an easement for the pipeline?
    – What is the name of the company?
    – Is there contact info for the company available?
    – Have you talked to the previous owner? Were they receiving compensation?
    – It may be that a payment was made when the line was initially installed, but no additional payment was negotiated.
    – hire an attorney. If you believe you are entitled to money, this could be a difficult fight & will require an attorney.

    Let me know if you have other questions.

    Chris Z.

  11. We see the term “going rate” mentioned in a post above.

    The “going rate” is not the same as the “fair market value.”

    The “fair market value” is the agreed price between a willing seller and a willing buyer, both being equally motivated, neither being under compulsion or duress, and, with caps added for emphasis, BOTH BEING EQUALLY KNOWLEDGED AND INFORMED.

    Resource Analytical & Management Group, LLC

    The “going rate” is something else. It is the settled price between a willing or unwilling seller and a willing buyer, with the seller either being or not being under compulsion or duress, and with the seller having either no credible knowledge and information or far less knowledge and information than the buyer. Stated in another way, the “going rate” is the price that others who self-represented and who had no clue what they were willing to accept. We often refer to it as the “herd rate.”

    Get professional help. Get a real professional who really knows how to value an easement and R-O-W help you determine the actual value and negotiate good sale terms for you. Those who self-represent are devoured. Most who are devoured never come to realize it.

      • I was wondering if anyone has negotiated a monthly lease arrangement over a one time payment for a gas pipeline easement?

    • I own land in Ocala Florida that is being eyed for a gas pipeline. I haven’t any experience in these matters.
      I was approached to set-up a solar farm as well and was wondering if both could co-exist on the property?
      Would you have an expert in Florida to refer? My phone number is 305-720-7285.

  12. I have been told repeatedly that everyone is getting the same price. Is there any truth to that? or are they just leading the lambs to slaughter?

    • Check on for up to date information on what is going on in your area… just don’t assume, that what they are “giving” is what they WILL give if they need your place to effect the shortest route from one well to the next. Check with your neighbor, better yet, get all the neighbors in the way of the pipeline to agree not to accept less than a certain amount… In some areas, you may get what doesn’t seem like much, in others ample offers. Do your homework. What you really need to make sure is your land is taken care of, before, during and after the pipeline is installed. In many cases they will pay you a survey fee, just to come on the land and do the pipeline survey. Check it out thoroughly and be patient.

  13. Susan:

    I am not aware of any who have done this. I’ll ask some colleagues if they are aware of any situations like this.

    Chris Zoller
    Extension Educator, ANR
    Tuscarawas County

  14. I was wondering if anyone has negotiated a monthly lease arrangement over a one time payment for a gas pipeline easement?

    • i don’t know about a monthly lease because i sign one 43 years ago and they act like its their land to do whatever they like .Been sold to other companies for big buck. I got 500.00 dollars one time payment. let a good lawyer look at the lease.

      • they offered me $500 too…shame…i wont accept this offer…they claim that on my 10 acres its on the corner of my property, but they mention all 10

  15. Never, never, ever, ever believe anything a pipeline company, oil or gas company says. They are lying scum. Landmen would kill their mothers and sell their children into slavery for a dollar. These are evil sick people without souls. They will all burn in hell. They worship money and have no conscience. They will do anything to gain the upper hand. They will lie right to your face to steal away the most precious asset you have. The 5th amendment to the Constitution providing just compensation for eminent domain taking of land is gone, gutted by politicians in collusion with these scum. America is dead and gone.

  16. I live in Medina, OH and Nexus wants to put a 36″ gas line across the front of my yard, they plan on going under my paved driveway use a 150′ 150′ area as a temp work area, they will be removing approx. 80 trees most are evergreens that provide privacy from the freeway that runs parrell along our property. There are about a dozen 40′ to 50′ evergreens that go across the front of our yard, this blocks the road and runs just behind our pond and looks like a post card. They will be removing 1/2 of the trees which will look odd and can’t tie anything back onto the existing because of the 50′ wide easement. No amount of money will get this like we have it for many years, I’m 64 and won’t live long enough for the landscape to grow to the mature state it is know. How do I figure a cost o something like that, I called a landscaper in that relocates large trees and Nexus won’t pay that amount, they are about 1/3 of the cost.

    • Hi Dennis,

      Your not alone in your fears. I think you are probably going to have to secure legal representation in order to get them to pay the landscaping fees. It’s only right that they pay them! Maybe ask for the landman’s supervisor? I would try going up the chain of command. But in the end, it may mean obtaining a lawyer.


  17. When I had a landscaper out to come up with a design where the trees wouldn’t looked chopped up and keep the privacy the 50′ evergreens provide now along with the driveway and fench along the freeway the cost was about $190,000, they came back with $45,000, I countered with $165,000 they came to $61,000, I stood pat and they came back with $4,000 more. By the time I fix the yard to where it is or they way my wife would accept it would cost money out of my pocket. They called me I didn’t call them.

  18. Chris, I have property in San Benito , Texas it’s 19 acres and the a gas company will be surveying right thru the middle of it, they are buildings a pipe line into Mexico.their are at least 13 owners that I am aware of that are beenin affected. Any advise would be aprecated . I have read all this comments and I agree 1. Lawyer 2. Get together with others involved. 3. Set price. Is their literature that you know of that can help.
    Thank you

  19. Hi, I live in Arkansas and was recently contacted by the gas company offering me $2.00 per foot to install an easement of 750 feet on my property. Is this an offer I should consider?

  20. Hi Dennis,

    Have you had a chance to review my question above about how much in dollars per foot should a gas company offer to install an easement on my property?

  21. After four years since its publication, we’re still getting contacts from time to time as a result of this article.

    Visit our new website at for details regarding our expertise and regional contact information.

    Most of our pipeline appraisal and negotiation work is in Texas and Louisiana. While we’re available to do a wide variety of minerals work for Ohio mineral owners and investors, we’re not presently handling pipeline negotiations in Ohio.

  22. Could an oil company go ahead and put a pipeline easement on a tract of land, if they do not have the signatures of all names on the deed?