Hazard A Guess: Week of Aug. 28, 2008


Hello from Hazard!

Last week, we said Richard Abel of Canton, Ohio, was the first to correctly identify item No. 841 as a cutting blade to cut large blocks of cheese. But we also quickly heard from several others after our early deadline for this section passed.

Sharp-eyed readers who also correctly identified the cheese cutter included: Frank Muellner of Mayfield Heights, Ohio [Editor’s note: At first glance, we thought Frank’s last name was Mueller and said, “Well, of course, he knows what it is… the Muellers had a Swiss cheese house in Sugarcreek for many years.” But a second look told us it wasn’t the same last name.]; Don Staib, McConnelsville, Ohio; Richard Botamer, Solon, Ohio; Jim, Anderson, St. Clairsville, Ohio; and an online response from Virgil (no last name given).

And, they tell us, it’s still being used today in many of Ohio’s cheese houses.
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You do know that Ohio is one of the top cheese-producing states in the country, don’t you? In fact, we lead the nation in Swiss cheese production. Go buy some today and support your local businesses and milk producers!

* * *

We first showed Item No. 842, originally shared by Russell May of Lowell, Ohio, in last week’s issue. We received one response, but the use wasn’t exactly what May told us, so here it is again. Maybe we’ll learn that it could be used for both May’s and our reader’s use.

We’ll give you a hint: It’s a grinder. Now, tell us what it chopped up!

If you think you recognize this item, let us know. Write to: Hazard a Guess, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460; or via e-mail to: editorial@farmanddairy.com. Please include your name, hometown, state for proper identification.

And if you’ve got a Hazard-ous item in your shed, barn or basement, send us a photo or digital photo file, along with a complete description of the item and its use. You can use the contact information above, or even send a photo via our Web site.

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