Hazard a guess at this Farm Science Review mystery machine


Hello from Hazard!

It didn’t take long for you all to correctly identify Item No. 1065, submitted by James Stewart, of East Liverpool, Ohio, who spied it when he was visiting the Ingalls Homestead in De Smet, South Dakota.

It’s a seed potato cutter, possibly a John Deere Hoover. Potatoes were placed over the blades, and a foot pedal activated the cutting blades, and the potato pieces fell down the chute into a bucket, ready to be planted. (A seat is attached to the contraption.)

Thanks to Richard P. Johnson, of Johnstown, Ohio; Teresa Saling, of Caldwell, Ohio; and Andy Mayer, Plain City, Ohio, for promptly sending in their responses!


Longtime Hazard readers know we love to swing by the antique farm equipment buildings at the Farm Science Review. This year, volunteer Monroe Harbage of Plain City showed us Item No. 1066, which he’s had on exhibit at the Review for at least 10 years and no one has been able to identify it.

There is writing on the side that says, “PAT June 10, 1913.”

Anyone care to hazard a guess as to its use? Email responses to editorial@farmanddairy.com; or respond by mail to: Hazard a Guess, c/o Farm and Dairy, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460.

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