Monday, December 30, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "wildlife"

Tag: wildlife

The groundhog is famous for one day in February, a nuisance most of the rest.

A squirrel meets its end with an electric utility pole on Kym Seabolt's property.

The new South Stark Career Academy FFA program and animal science class explores wild and exotic animals.

In the spring, small amphibians like frogs, toads and salamanders migrate to vernal pools to breed.

A walk in the woods after dark during a gentle rain in March is an easy way to find and observe these breeding frogs and salamaders. All that's required is a flashlight and waterproof boots.

Vernal pools are much more than mud holes in the woods. They are thriving communities of aquatic organisms perfectly adapted to these specialized ephemeral habitats.

Your old Christmas tree can make great fish and wildlife habitat.

Over the last 30 years, deer and raccoons have cost me a small fortune. Though I never intentionally feed these backyard visitors, they're difficult to discourage.

Each day the sun rises a few minutes later and sets a few minutes earlier.

Ever wonder where migrating birds end up after we last see them? Just how far can these things travel?