Tag: wildlife
Conservation funding: Dollars from hunters, anglers
Federal funds distributed to state wildlife agencies are generated by the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act and the Sport Fish Restoration Act.
Lazy cowbirds let others hatch, feed young
Cowbirds parasitize the nests of more than 200 species of birds. Song sparrows, chipping sparrows, red-eyed vireos and indigo buntings are frequent victims.
White-nose syndrome still impacts local bat populations
Over the last 10 years, bat populations have decreased due to white-nose syndrome. Fortunately, they may be developing a resistance to the fungal disease.
Earthworms: Blessing or curse?
Over the last 200 years, northern temperate forests in the U.S. have been invaded by numerous earthworm species native to Europe and Asia.
Pennsylvania captive deer tests positive for chronic wasting disease
This is the third case of CWD discovered in a captive deer farm in four months.
Watch a California condor nest up close
Last week, the U.S Fish & Wildlife Service and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology announced that a live camera at an active condor nest came online.
Free frog gigging workshop June 16
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife will hold a free workshop on the basics of frog gigging June 16.
Size is most important when ID’ing birds
When you see an unfamiliar bird, study it through binoculars and mentally note its size, distinctive shapes, markings, colors, behaviors, and voice.
How to create a butterfly garden
It takes a variety of flowers and shrubs that provide food for both the adult and larval stages to create a butterfly garden.
How to identify warblers this season
To see warblers, concentrate on their habitat — old fields, forest edges, woods, and country roads. If there's a stream nearby, that's even better.