Tag: wildlife
How to make your garden wildlife friendly
If you enjoy watching wildlife and want to make your yard a destination, your gardening habits are a good place to start.
Meet Tom and Hen and the facts of turkey life
Learn more about the roles that male and female turkeys play during nesting season.
Learning bird songs and why they ‘sing’
Learning to identify birds by their voices is a great way to improve your confidence in your knowledge of nature.
Spot early spring amphibians
It's a little early to hear bullfrogs and toads, but wood frogs always get a head start on spring.
Easter bunnies: Leave the cottontails alone
After peaking in early fall, cottontail populations are at an annual low point this time of year. But as spring begins, cottontails bounce back.
West Virginia authorizes use of M-44 device for coyote control
The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Wildlife Services is again able to utilize M-44 devices in its Integrated Predator Management Program in West Virginia.
Game commission plans controlled burns
The Pennsylvania Game Commission Northwest Region director said more than 3,493 acres have the potential to be treated using controlled burns in 2018.
How to keep deer out of your garden
It’s no surprise growing deer populations have been problematic for gardeners. Learn how to deter deer and successfully limit the damage they cause.
Be a responsible gardener and homeowner
Consider helping wildlife thrive as you tend to yard and garden maintenance this spring. Follow these tips to get started.
Nature will always fight to survive
Alan Guebert recounts his childhood efforts trapping muskrats and the prized mink that brought his trapping career to a screaming halt.