Thursday, December 26, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "weeds"

Tag: weeds

Poison hemlock is not the only plant that you should be on the lookout for. Jimsonweed, pokeweed and black locust are potentially poisonous to livestock.

Proper fertilization, use of disease-resistant varieties, insect control, cutting management, and use of herbicides are necessary to an alfalfa stand.

Ohio has declared a zero-tolerance threshold on Palmer amaranth, an aggressive weed that has been found in 18 Ohio counties. Do you know what to do if you find it in your fields?

Since alfalfa has begun to grow, metribuzin can't be applied to alfalfa this spring, unless you are in an area where plants have not begun to grow.

The new test will provide companies and their customers with an additional tool to ensure purity.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has expanded the geography for application of Enlist Duo herbicide from 15 to 34 states.

You can get the best weed control in your alfalfa fields simply by paying closer attention to alfalfa management.

The University of Missouri Extension’s Weed ID app can be useful for weed identification in your lawn and garden.

After weeks of battling weeds, by June gardeners are tempted to throw in the hat. Tools, natural herbicides, mulch and cover crops can help control weeds.

It looks like a field of mustard, but it's not. And livestock producers pay attention: Cressleaf grounsel is toxic to cattle, horses, goats and sheep -- and humans.