Tag: weather
Cold, warm and cold again — know your crop insurance options
Hello All!
It's the time of year for strange weather events, and the past several weeks have been true to form. With the warm, cold,...
Cold spring is slowing early field work
National Weather Service says 10-15 degrees below normal this week.
Mixed bag of drought, flooding and warm weather predicted for spring
Above-normal temperatures this spring are most likely across most of the continental U.S.
Hurricane Sandy also blew in scams
Hurricane Sandy is now the driving force behind some scam artists. Following major disasters, it’s common for scam artists to impersonate charities to get money or private information from well-intentioned taxpayers.
Damage to trees from high winds often goes undetected
Creators Syndicate
You may not have been in the path of one of the recent hurricanes, but you can still learn some tree...
Ohio victims of Hurricane Sandy eligible for lower interest rates
Residents across Ohio impacted by damaging winds and severe weather caused by Hurricane Sandy could be eligible for emergency assistance in the form of reduced interest rates on loans under Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel's Renew Ohio & Rebuild Ohio Programs.
Farmers, are you ready for Hurricane Sandy’s high winds or flooding?
Farmers need to prepare for the potential of heavy rains, flooding and high winds related to Hurricane Sandy.
Is there anything we can do about the weather?
The activities at steam and engine shows take place primarily outside and so are greatly subject to weather conditions. Some might argue...
Climate change and agriculture: What can farmers, policymakers do?
Options include doing nothing, increasing no-till, cover crops, and policy that would encourage limits on emissions and carbon credit trading.
New Holland Ag launches weather forecast app
NEW HOLLAND, Pa. -- New Holland's commitment to making farming easier for enhanced productivity is once again confirmed by the launch of the free...