Tag: trees
Early warm up affects trees
FSA offers the Tree Assistance Program (tap) for orchardists and nursery tree growers who experienced losses from natural disasters.
Climbing trees took courage, but the payoff was rewarding
Daring determination and the ability to block out the fact that you just might get a whipping for even attempting it — that's what it took to be the tree-climbing champion.
Landscape plants and deicing salts
Deicing salts can damage landscape plants when excessive amounts accumulate in the soil. The most serious damage typically occurs near major streets.
Wayne National Forest to re-establish hardwood forest
The Wayne National Forest Athens Ranger District is seeking public feedback on a proposal to convert planted pine to young native hardwood forest.
Penn State student uses GIS to map Erie arboretum trees
Michael Curtis used GPS location tools to map the arboretum, matching individual trees to the corresponding memorial plaques.
How to maintain a living Christmas tree
Successfully transplanting a living Christmas tree can be tricky, but following these selection, home care and planting tips will help.
How to take care of your Christmas tree
Select the perfect Christmas tree, set it up without a hassle and use these 10 tips to preserve your fresh cut Christmas tree at home.
Penn State geneticists work to save ash trees
Penn State molecular geneticist John Carlson is looking specifically at the genetic mechanisms by which surviving trees might be battling the insects.
Family tradition, trees and rescue
Community rescue and Christmas trees top the priority list in the Ernie Rodgers family, New Castle, Pennsylvania. Serving as a volunteer firefighter for 43 years, this rural role brings the community a sense of security.
The biggest tree in Geauga County
Throughout the world, big trees hold tremendous cultural, ecological, and economical value. Larger trees provide more economic benefits, grow quicker and sequester more carbon than small trees.