Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Tags Posts tagged with "soybeans"

Tag: soybeans

The problems in the grain markets have to do with weather in the Southern Hemisphere and the price hangover we can’t seem to recover from.

The return of corn prices to the high side is exciting, but the huge crop will continue to moderate any price gains.

Agricultural Research & Testing, of Washington Court House, Ohio, has purchased S & R Consulting, owned by Steve Wolf, Atlanta, Indiana.

A new University of Illinois report details organic products and practices to combat soybean pathogens and insect pests.

The U.S. grain market expected cheap prices because of the big corn and soybean crops, and got the worst over with. We have actually rebounded nicely from the lows, says grain merchandiser Marlin Clark.

When it comes to deciding whether to store or sell grain at harvest, it all depends on the individual farmer and his or her operation.

Eric Baltputnis at Thompson Farms in Salineville, Ohio, works with his uncles to harvest soybeans. Nationally, 73 percent of soybeans are harvested.

ARLINGTON, Virginia — Agricultural export market development programs funded through the farm bill have contributed an average of $8.2 billion per year, a total...

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Agriculture will make payments to many of the 1.7 million farms that enrolled in either the Agriculture Risk...

The combination of a rain-delayed harvest and a surprising USDA Grain Stocks Report have put a hold on the low prices of the last few weeks.