Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Tags Posts tagged with "safety tips"

Tag: safety tips

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources is offering $500,000 in boating safety education grant funding to eligible organizations across Ohio.

Plan now to protect yourself against tickborne diseases, including Lyme disease, which has been found in ticks at high levels around Pennsylvania. 

Even if you’ve checked the ice to ensure a safe ice fishing trip, it’s important to be prepared, bring safety equipment and know what to do in an emergency.

Be aware of thin ice. The potential hazards of walking on frozen lakes, ponds and rivers can be extremely dangerous.

Learn how to determine whether ice is safe enough to go ice fishing based on appearance, thickness and other factors that can affect freezing and thawing.

Pocket knives are tools, not toys. Learn more about considerations for teaching pocket knife safety, such as age, choosing a knife and basic safety rules.

It is time to remind operators and applicators about the importance of following safety precautions when working around manure storage facilities.

Learn to identify venomous and non-venomous, hairy and bristled caterpillars found in Ohio that can cause injury from coming into contact with them.

Harvesting corn silage can be dangerous. Please take a few minutes to review safety precautions and harvest recommendations.

It’s important to be aware of large wasp and hornet nests during late summer, so you can avoid them and reduce your chances of getting stung.