Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Tags Posts tagged with "Recent Bags"

Tag: Recent Bags

Frank Mader caught a 14.25-inch crappie in Mosquito Lake in Trumbull County, Ohio on May 10, 2019.

Mike Ping caught a 26.5-inch northern pike in Mosquito Lake in Trumbull County, Ohio on May 5, 2019.

Megan Neville caught a 40-inch channel catfish in a farm pond near Lisbon, Ohio on April 22, 2019.

Chloe Angelo bagged her first jake during Ohio’s special youth turkey hunt on April 13, 2019, in Calcutta, Ohio.

Nick Gallo bagged this turkey Saturday during Ohio's special youth hunt in Columbiana County.

Anthony, 6, with his Dad after he shot his very first doe Dec. 5, 2015, on their family farm in Pennsylvania.

Former Farm and Dairy reporter Chris Kick (right) and his brother, Todd, got a couple of bucks during the first hour of gun season.

Morgan Weingart killed this 8-point buck opening night of bow season with a compound bow.

Tim Mealey shared this photo of his sons and daughter. They're happy that the oldest brother bagged a deer with his Christmas gift.

Paulette Grennan shows off her first Pennsylvania buck, taken with her dad's old 30-30.