Tag: pets
Goat wrangler
As an amateur goat wrangler with years of experience, Kym Seabolt offers up her primer on the care and keeping of flight-risk livestock.
How many indoor pets are too many?
The four-animal cap continues to be more aspirational than actual inside Eliza Blue's house. However, she finds it adds a pinch of spice to her marriage.
Mama Cat takes a vacation
Eliza Blue has been worried about Mama Cat for months as she vanished shortly after being spayed. Fortunately, she was just on vacation.
Appreciate the treasures you have
Judith Sutherland's life has been filled with all sorts of wonderful animals, simply there from her earliest memory.
Cat ranching not a good business plan
It's too bad cat ranching isn't a lucrative business model. Because if it was, Eliza Blue would have all the success.
How to keep your pets safe in the summer heat
It’s essential to look for signs of overheating and offer your pets some additional ways to cool off throughout the hottest summer months.
Follow love’s lead and you won’t be led astray
Having two puppies at the same time is the kind of treachery reserved for the truly brave or the slightly unhinged, Eliza Blue is doing it nonetheless.
Sled dogs embody tenacity, grit, determination
Julie Geiss recalls the incredible relay of dog sled teams that transported antitoxin serum to Nome, Alaska during an outbreak of diphtheria in 1924.
Pets provide doggone good memories
Judith Sutherland recalls time spent with one of her favorite dogs growing up, a sable and white collie-shepherd pup they named Chet.
Meet Kai Lumiere Seabolt
Meet Kym Seabolt's cat, Kai. His hobbies include knocking things down, getting stuck in walls and other small spaces and stealing bobbi pins and hair ties.