Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Tags Posts tagged with "pests"

Tag: pests

A key to handling backyard wildlife problems is making your backyard a worse place to be — for them, that is, not you.

Over the last 30 years, deer and raccoons have cost me a small fortune. Though I never intentionally feed these backyard visitors, they're difficult to discourage.

This bug is not a species of eight-legged arthropod known to carry Lyme disease and other pathogens.

You’ll notice the leaves of poplar trees turning brown and in some cases significant leaf loss.

COLUMBUS -- Ohio growers, agribusinesses and Ohio State University weed scientists will need to work over the next decade to prevent a weed known...

WOOSTER, Ohio -- Crop growers should take extra precautions to scout their fields this spring for slugs to try to get control of these...

Scientists have found little in their aquatic weed toolbox to be effective in the battle against crested floating heart.

MADISON — Invasive species are known for disturbing their new homes. Whether it’s the zebra mussels in the Great Lakes or garlic mustard in...

WOOSTER, Ohio -- Soybean-damaging bugs known for their "sweaty feet" smell when squashed or irritated have made their way into Ohio soybean fields in...

Just when I think it's safe to leave the house, nature, not content to menace me IN MY OWN HOME decides to take the...