Tag: pasture management
Grace Meadows Farm uses pasture management to grow contract grazing, beef...
In the last five years, Grace Meadows Farm has gone from a dairy farm to a beef cattle operation, contract grazing as many as 600 beef cattle through the summer.
Grazing native grasses could benefit your cattle and wildlife
Native grasses provide cover for wildlife, excellent brood rearing habitat for grassland nesting and upland game birds and lots of forage for wildlife.
Could carbon markets be a new source of income?
Each farm and ranch is unique as to how it may use a grazing management system or other conservation programs to be eligible for carbon credit programs.
Considerations for improving soil health
Learn what more can be done to improve the soil health in our pastures and what will the benefits be.
How to manage for multiflora rose and other woody shrubs
Knocking back woody perennials like multiflora rose takes effort. Proactive weed management is really the best approach in any pasture or fence line.
Warm weather signals warm season grasses
Planting warm season annual grasses is a feasible way to improve summer pastures or hay fields to maintain dry matter production during the summer slump.
Energizers and your grazing system
The ability of an electric fence to keep livestock in and predators out is determined by what type of fence you have, the energizer and proper grounding.
Cutting wheat silage
Wheat can be both a cover crop or a fall pasture, which provides a provisional forage when hay or silage is running out in the summer.
Can red clover revive damaged or declining alfalfa stands?
For some producers across the state, last winter was hard on an established alfalfa hayfield. An option is to improve the stand with perennial grasses.
Management intensive grazing is first step for increased profit
Management intensive grazing is thought to be one of the best ways to maximize grazing capacity. Find out if it's a profitable strategy for your operation.