Tag: pasture management
Considerations for early spring pasture care
An early spring means pasture management might be a focus earlier than normal. Use these tips to manage pastures amid unseasonably warm temperatures.
Appraising who’s grazing and the damage being done
There are a few actions that can be taken to reduce the yield loss in hay fields from damage caused by white-tailed deer.
Considerations of early season hayfield scouting
Be on the lookout for the heaving of the crowns and root systems, healthy stems and toxic weeds you begin scouting your forage fields.
Managing Asian longhorned ticks on pasture
Ohio State University Extension educator Timothy McDermott shares tips to help livestock producers keep their animals safe from the growing threat of ticks.
Grazing practices to prevent grass tetany
Good grazing management can help prevent grass tetany. Here are a few considerations and practices to implement during your early spring grazing season.
Make the most of your winter planning
There are opportunities to learn and grow through the winter months. Now is the time to plan what the rest of the year on your farm could look like.
Don’t forget what is under the snow
Good pasture management during a wet winter means being cognizant of erosion and having a plan for the spring and summer.
Is your pasture prepared for extreme weather?
Learn more about the issues associated with extreme winter conditions and what producers can do to protect their herds.
Pasture improvements by osmosis
The Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council will be hosting its 2023 Annual Meeting on Feb. 17 at Deerassic Park Education Center in Cambridge, Ohio.
Open gates can lead to long-term damage
Giving livestock access to the entire pasture may temporarily provide enough forage, but it could reduce the amount of available forage for years to come.